
EmperorAnthony t1_jbepyro wrote

Then don’t NIMBY every inch of Connecticut to a point where housing shortages including affordable housing causes prices to continue to skyrocket to a point where only people from the NYC area can afford to buy them. We need to make it affordable for people who already live here because the system as it stands right now won’t make Connecticut grow.


EmperorAnthony t1_j5t9m20 wrote

Yes I realize that. Those that always complain about housing need to be reminded that there will almost never be a picture perfect house with that white picket fence. Sacrifices need to be made if you want to find a house and that includes an area you might not have considered in the first place.


EmperorAnthony t1_j5t3yvg wrote

Not many people want to live in the cities like Meriden, New Britain, Hartford, New Haven, and even Manchester and Norwich where home prices are cheaper but everyone wants to live in a nice town. If buyers are being priced out of nice areas, unfortunately the only option is the less desirable areas until things cool off..


EmperorAnthony t1_j26w70d wrote

Retirees moving to NH and Maine for piece and quiet while rural areas in MA, RI, and CT see declines due to lack of jobs and expensive costs of living. Nothing really new within the past decade. CT and MA are essentially the same when it comes to where the population growth occurs. Areas closest to Boston and areas closest to NYC see the most growth. Farther you go away, you start to see population decline. RI has Providence which is keeping it close to stagnant because it’s a vibrant city.


EmperorAnthony t1_iycobd5 wrote

PEZ Candy Factory and Visitor Center in Orange off Interstate 95

Norwalk Aquarium off Interstate 95

Downtown New Haven has a lot of nice little cafes, and restaurants including Louis Lunch where they served the worlds first hamburger. Plus many well known pizza restaurants. Yale is in the city as well as many other colleges and universities so there’s a lot of foot traffic.