Enginerdad t1_j4riwfl wrote
Reply to comment by pantyinthe203 in I’m in Haddam/Higganum for the day and I keep noticing these signs. What do they mean? by Wiz21Reddit
You know, I wumbo, You wumbo, He/she/me wumbo, wumbo, wumboing, We'll have thee wumbo, Wumborama, Wumbology, The study of wumbo?
Enginerdad t1_j3xg5hy wrote
Reply to comment by thedude_CT in Love riding through Connecticut. You’ll even pass the WWE BUILDING by Hoopgawd90
It's unlikely that the building would change from a new person buying the WWE though
Enginerdad t1_j10t3wx wrote
Reply to comment by cheebaTHEamoeba in I made a honeycomb firewood rack by richriggins
I am going to comment on the stitch welds, but not because they're low quality or lazy or anything like that. I'm a bridge engineer, so I tend to have an eye for corrosion-susceptible details. With the stitch weld as it is, water can get in between the joints between the welds which can lead to accelerated pack rust. Going to a continuous weld will keep water out of those areas that trap and likely improve the life of the structure.
Enginerdad t1_iy51vjp wrote
Reply to comment by brain-gardener in UI and Eversource customers could start receiving $10 credit on energy bills beginning next year by jaydecay123
Most value meals at McDonalds cost more than $10 at this point
Enginerdad t1_iww7qq8 wrote
Reply to comment by Backpacker7385 in Dang, these bastards are relentless. by TheDogsNameWasFrank
That's what I've always heard as well. If you don't mind me asking, how much is your solar payment relative to your former electric bill and how long will you be paying it off?
Enginerdad t1_iww0ft5 wrote
Reply to comment by karmint1 in Dang, these bastards are relentless. by TheDogsNameWasFrank
Eversource's supplier rate is going up 100%, but since supplier charges are only about half of your bill (generation being the other half), your total bill will go up by about 50%
Enginerdad t1_iww06fq wrote
Reply to comment by Backpacker7385 in Dang, these bastards are relentless. by TheDogsNameWasFrank
Did you buy or lease?
Enginerdad t1_it7tsmf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is building dams a learned behaviour for beavers? by Snoo-82132
You don't necessarily have to kill them, relocation will do just fine if there's a specific waterway you need to keep clear.
Enginerdad t1_j4wc49f wrote
Reply to comment by OrangeSpiceNinja in TIFU not knowing what to do when a dog was stuck in my dog. by [deleted]
It doesn't make his knot go down instantly, it just makes him panic and rip it out which can be damaging for both dogs.