
EricGuy412 t1_jbrguli wrote

One off self defense courses are largely bullshit; you don't get enough reps in to build muscle memory, which leads to zero application in real life situations (and many things taught are out of fantasy land too).

Now a real fighting gym with frequent classes? That's what you want. There's a self defense course taught weekly at Stout Training that is legit and attended by folks of all ages/genders.


EricGuy412 t1_j77xydo wrote

Fun fact: Big Burrito got a $10M PPP loan under one of their DBA names, specifically "Whole Enchilda."

They also fired their full staff at all of their specialty restaurants in July of 2000 for wanting safe working conditions in the height of COVID via an 11:30 PM email (meaning after closing that night).

Fuck 'em.