
Evanpik64 t1_j0ltpks wrote

Not that I'm aware of sadly. I think Jums African Market did open a Food truck recently called "Desire", but the food is general African and not Ethiopian specifically.


Evanpik64 t1_izazcu8 wrote

It's not exaggerating when I say this book banning movement from the GOP is VERY fascist adjacent, though I doubt it'll reach the point of book burning purely for optics sake, since that's so associated with Nazism and authoritarianism. But when you look up what books the Nazis actually burned you'll probably notice an unsettling pattern.


Evanpik64 t1_iw1vd9z wrote

Just went to Brick and Mortar the other day, they're mainly a roaster and bean wholesaler so their hours are a bit odd, but I got their seasonal caramel coffee and it punched me in the face (In a good way)


Evanpik64 t1_iqy6ieh wrote

I always go to King's asian chef on North Glenstone for their Hot and Spicy chicken, it's SO good! Plus it's just conveniently located for me and has a drive through lol


Evanpik64 t1_iquefnd wrote

Just be careful, I've been dragged to absolutly nightmarish cringefests in Branson before. A ton of the shows are designed for a very specific type of elderly audience, and are huge tourist traps on top of that.

As for what I recommend, I remember the Acrobats of China being super good. Then again that was like a decade ago are they still around? It seems like they might've been renamed to the acrobats of Shanghai. It was incredibly impressive when I saw it last either way.