Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9yotln wrote
Reply to comment by Uniqlo in Jewish communities brace as white supremacists plan Feb. 25 ‘Day of Hate’ by Souperplex
This article
And this report
Beg to differ.
But what else can I suspect from someone who defends Kyle rittenhouse
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9xmr9q wrote
Reply to comment by Uniqlo in Jewish communities brace as white supremacists plan Feb. 25 ‘Day of Hate’ by Souperplex
Except the vast majority of anti-Asian hate crimes were perpetrated by white people. So it definitely is apt to call it a case of white supremacy.
You people sometimes…
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9xmoo7 wrote
Reply to comment by bbqcornnuts312 in Jewish communities brace as white supremacists plan Feb. 25 ‘Day of Hate’ by Souperplex
Lmao if this isn’t the most echo chamber-y comment of all time on here. You can’t throw a stick without hitting a comment about how people aren’t paying attention to the real cases of anti-semitism being perpetrated by those (read: black) people, when statistically, they aren’t even the supermajority of anti-semitic incidents.
Gtfo of here, fascist scum. You’re embarrassing yourself by treating Fox News like news instead of the propaganda it is.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9v572a wrote
Reply to comment by Regula96 in ‘IT’ Prequel Series ‘Welcome To Derry’ Greenlit At HBO Max by DemiFiendRSA
Part 2 was probably never going to do as well, because it covered the less popular part of the book.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9mdoa0 wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
Except yup. Both of those cities have a massive amount of suburban sprawl, so the situations aren’t comparable.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9mda67 wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
Lmao not even close to being true.
Those poor Asian students are going to get scammed
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9mb7ek wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
Except they aren’t shown to do any better than public schools, so it’s not more efficient.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9m96nk wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
> No, you said we could throw a lot of funding at public schools without giving any further details
I literally gave further details right after that. So you really are that blind.
> You've also made claims elsewhere that per-pupil spending in NYC is expected to be high because... the city is big. You don't seem to understand that spending efficiency isn't supposed to plummet as you scale the system up.
That’s exactly how it happens, though, especially in a student body as big as it is.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9m8yjf wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
> If it takes diverting the best and promising students and funds into charters since more students are switching to them then yes the charter budget should increase for NYC DOE to realize they need to get their act together then so be it.
Lmao that’s never going to convince the DOE officials. They’re getting paid either way.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9lf2pa wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
Absolutely it does. The problem won’t be magically solved by cutting spending per student.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9lbbtf wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
no shit? We’re the biggest city in the country. I’d be surprised if we didn’t spend that amount per student. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fund them further.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9lb4qt wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
> our education budget is like 40% of our city budget...
Again, we’re the largest city in the country. I’d be surprised if it wasn’t. If you’re still pissy about it, lobby the city to raise taxes and further fund the system.
> plenty of higher cost of living and larger metro areas around world spend way less vs we do % wise.
All of those places have national control of education though, so thanks for the advocacy for further federal control of education in this country 😉
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9laa2n wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
> I support charter schools only to the extent that they allow parents to pressure and force public education officials to acknowledge this problem and actually address it by removing violent and disruptive students from the population of students that are already motivated to learn.
But if they charters don’t take them, where are they going to go? Federal law requires minors to go to school.
This seems like a problem that would fix itself if we, y’know, invested in public schools.
> Yes, you are considerably out of touch with reality on nearly every topic you give your opinion for in this sub.
Lmao nice ad hominem. Really shows you people are scraping the bottom of the barrel argumentatively.
> Yes, they are
[citation needed]
> Throwing money at kids disruptive, antisocial, or violent kids in the middle of the general population of students doesn't magically fix behavioral problems. They need much more direct interventions with much smaller class sizes and, likely, remedial instruction. Fixing those behavioral problems takes time and cannot be done in a normal classroom without being massively disruptive.
Did you.. not read what I put down? I literally said we could do that in the public school system. You might wanna get your eyes checked, buddy.
> Good luck with your hand-wavy ideas.
You literally suggested the same thing, so speak for yourself, Mr accidental progressive policy.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9l44wl wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
Overfunded how? Did you forget we live in the largest metropolitan area in the country? I’d be more shocked if we didn’t have this amount of money for a student body this big. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continually invest in it. Whatever happened to the free market with you people?
> View it from parents perspective especially the poor underserving communities. Continue sending their kids to the failing non screened public they too came from or take their chances with the charter in their neighborhood. ofc many will want the later.
Imagine those same people’s’ reactions when their kids come out no better and that they were just royally scammed through their tax dollars.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9kzyt0 wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
That’s such a counterintuitive method though.
Our schools are struggling, so instead of giving them some administrative TLC, we… throw the money at schools that aren’t statistically any better at giving kids a good education and aren’t accountable to anyone? All you’ve accomplished is made everything worse without any avenue for making things better.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9kxog0 wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
You know you could easily accomplish this by funding public schools and giving them the tools to build such an environment, right?
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9kvdb7 wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
> Remove disruptive students
You can’t just kick out a student. Federal law requires minors to go to school.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9kv97s wrote
Reply to comment by PuzzleheadedWalrus71 in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
Because Mayor McSwagger doesn’t care. He just wants to give his buddies high-paying cushy jobs.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9kuzoz wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
> Yes we do. They have terrible lives at home, often with parents that don't love them, neglect them, and even abuse them
And diverting money away from the public school system is going to help them… how?
> Yes, you can, and it saves the education of all the remaining children.
And you call progressives out of touch with reality. Lmao
> You don't put them in prison, but you don't leave them in an environment free to ruin everyone else's life (which is how important education is).
1.) literally nobody is advocating for that.
2.) that’s what extra investment in school systems will help with, though. It allows schools to fund extracurricular activities and clubs, provide after school care, give kids tutoring programs to help them along.
Christ, how are you people this shortsighted?
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9kuipo wrote
Reply to comment by misterferguson in Parents fume over Governor Hochul’s charter school expansion proposal | amNewYork by barweis
[citation needed]
Please show us the proportions of kids who thrive in that environment and those who fall into the cycle.
This smacks of “I have a friend who grew up in the hood and he’s alright. Why can’t the rest of them be like that?”
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j987pxq wrote
Reply to comment by UpperLowerEastSide in Ahead of potential presidential bid, DeSantis heads to New York for law enforcement event by irish_fellow_nyc
Donors get the same amount of votes as the dumb fucks who still back trump.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j985zwh wrote
Reply to comment by murbike in Ahead of potential presidential bid, DeSantis heads to New York for law enforcement event by irish_fellow_nyc
Dems are never going to give up incumbent advantage, especially with republicans in the house making him look like the sane one in the room.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j7qu5gt wrote
Reply to comment by ooouroboros in 'Disgusting': NYC Scraps Co-Op Internet in Public Housing So Big Telecom Can Move In by esporx
“But what about muh crime”
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j7qh4g0 wrote
Reply to comment by sweetdicksguys in 'Surprise' in Canada as NYC buses migrants to border by esporx
It’s racist because a Republican is doing it. Let’s not act like Adams is a real democrat.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_jaia27v wrote
Reply to comment by 139_LENOX in New York Will Pay Millions to Protesters Violently Corralled by Police by mowotlarx
You say that, but then the city turned around and elected a cop as mayor a year later, so clearly the residents of this city don’t give enough of a fuck to change things.