
FHIR_HL7_Integrator t1_j8wk38a wrote

That's a good point, but still, an order of magnitude increase? If they were going to raise prices they would telegraph ahead of time and the increase would be reasonable. I guess we will see if it turns out to be true or not.


FHIR_HL7_Integrator t1_j7pcenv wrote

I wouldn't worry so much about how much you need to know to be good. Sometimes you need to know something enough to get a job done which is how I think of Python. Reality is python is a general purpose language, it's useful in about a million different ways and it's really not a difficult language. Everyone should have python in their toolbox. So just start using python. Use it for fun little projects that aren't necessarily school work. C++ is probably going to be the more difficult of the two. C++ is what you'll want to do when you are writing anything that needs to be really fast.

I'd take the classes in C++ and teach myself python through fun projects

Someone who is a skilled with C++ is an asset and often a useful and desirable part of a research or implementation team.


FHIR_HL7_Integrator t1_j7o1n9r wrote

I started with pascal, basic, and to a lesser extent asm when I was child in the 80. Asm was really helpful to understand at a low level how a computer actually works. Then I started learning c++ as a teen. Now it doesn't take long at all to pick up a new language. I agree with other posters to focus on the math. But learning c++ and then python would be my suggestion. That being said, you will be forced to use python while taking your class and doing self study. Might as well just learn both.


FHIR_HL7_Integrator t1_j7gjfhs wrote

What then? In terms of available data and being the lingua franca I don't see a better option. Just going on logic here but open minded to an alternative. It's all moot though - all languages should be translated to a common language in order to build data set, then results translated into language of choice. I suppose there could be an intermedia semantic language but that seems like a lot of additional steps for an intermediary.


FHIR_HL7_Integrator t1_j2mzl50 wrote

This is actually a great idea. It would be really cool if you could take pictures of really old components and boards, label the points and they'd be added to the data set. What I'm saying is you should farm this out to component and electronics subs. Figure out and streamline the tagging process first, then crowdsource it. Good luck. I really think all the technology is consumer level enough for this to be achieved!


FHIR_HL7_Integrator t1_j11ni5t wrote

I think the application of neural networks on quantum computers will be interesting due to the potential to explore probabilities and decision making that isn't possible on current processing units. Who knows if any headway will be made even with that tech, but certainly don't think we are close with what we have now. For reference I remember the hopeful saying this exact same time frame back in 1989 and every year since (and they were saying similar hopes back in the 70s as well). I err on the side of pessimism in the sense that the optimists have consistently been wrong.


FHIR_HL7_Integrator t1_j0z41ws wrote

I work as an interop architect in healthcare. Payer,provider, device, and emr/ehr side. This is of interest to me. I will read your paper and try your demo and give you my thoughts.

I read your abstract but couldn't read the whole thing ARXIV access isn't working for me this morning. I tested the app and i believe the timeline view is listing a chronological list of encounters (visits) and symptoms and then provides in the box below predict a listing of predicted potential morbidities. I understand this is a POC app so its doesn't really show a ton of details.


My question is how are you getting at tis data? Is it a database ETL from the EHR? Are you capturing incoming messages (HL7, CDA, FHIR, etc.)? I am working on a project for spontaneous building of healthcare communication between different healthcare entities - as it stands right now we have to manually address data links. I want AI to translate between entities.


Anyway, fantastic job and congratulations. I hope you have continued success!


FHIR_HL7_Integrator t1_izzjlwm wrote

Same here.

For anyone reading without a degree, find an ISO standard (obscure but not too obscure) involved with fundamental technology used in the open market, master it, and you'll be golden. That's my advice for those out there who find themselves without a degree but looking to advance. It doesn't matter if you have a degree when you know something really well that few others know.