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Tripanes t1_j8whvpo wrote

> They instantly drive away all their customers.

(Possibly) Not the ones they want to target, big businesses.

Others are saying it's an error.

Collab is a lot of free GPU time being given away and it's getting increasingly used to run AI for open source hobby stuff like stable diffusion and koboldAI. I do not expect that it's sustainable.


FHIR_HL7_Integrator t1_j8wk38a wrote

That's a good point, but still, an order of magnitude increase? If they were going to raise prices they would telegraph ahead of time and the increase would be reasonable. I guess we will see if it turns out to be true or not.


pennomi t1_j8wpqxp wrote

Is KoboldAI best in class for open source conversation engines? I’ve been meaning to try one of those out.


Tripanes t1_j8x108o wrote

KoboldAI is a way to run whatever engines you can throw into it. It's more a UX layer than any specific AI.

That said, it has the best ones I'm aware of.


amhotw t1_j8wuwao wrote

The thing is at ~$100/month, there are better and cheaper alternatives that give more option so it is hard to believe this is not an error.