FK506 t1_jdzy3w7 wrote
Reply to comment by PaperbackWriter1989 in What are iconic films everyone knows in your country ? by LanaStudio
That was big in the US though.
FK506 t1_iwymd6e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in doc martens broke :/ new boots? by shmomolo
I got these and despite the cost they fell apart very quickly. They were just glued together though they did look great. My doc work boots which are built better have lasted years.
FK506 t1_je3xqhi wrote
Reply to ELI5: Everyone knows that Ticketmaster is the biggest scumbucket enterprise on the planet yet no band seems able to avoid their grasp. What's to stop a really major act (e.g. Taylor Swift) from performing in venues that are not controlled by Ticketmaster, or just setting up a parallel company? by havereddit
My favorite band usually has cheap tickets with minimal if any extra fees on their website you just have to show an Id on location to prevent scalping. Ticketmaster has control of the remaining seats for everything else. I won’t say the name in case Ticketmaster puts their foot down but ticketmaster will bend if a larger band insists.