FedexJames t1_jd9oghe wrote
Reply to Eye glasses by UhtredaerweII
Heffingtons at Optiland. Grant and Chestnut
FedexJames t1_jcihbwe wrote
Northside Christian Church. North on H.
FedexJames t1_jbhsi0k wrote
Reply to comment by Doubleucommadj in There’s No Reason We Can’t Have A Metro System by Necessary-One-3713
It’s almost all Kraft cheese storage
FedexJames t1_jaf3acj wrote
Reply to comment by Fizzeek in Looking for new banks by hikingjoey123
Telcomm has a rewards program now for both credit and debit cards
FedexJames t1_j8fxmem wrote
Reply to Medical Examiner by Willing-Sprinkles-17
Second body found recently. Think there might be a Springfield serial killer?
FedexJames t1_j7el7rj wrote
Reply to Beef-A-Roo by tomassean
I think I’ll reserve judgment until they’ve been open for a month or so and have everything figured out
FedexJames t1_j51jdcs wrote
Reply to Springfield infrastructure. by PettyPoet
City Planning wasn’t really a thing in Springfield until the 50s
FedexJames t1_j1ov4jo wrote
Reply to comment by nobile in Good credit unions ? by perfectlyniceperson
Open to all as far as I know
FedexJames t1_iycsoy6 wrote
Reply to comment by No_Lies_Detected in Josh Hawley voting against inter racial and same sex marriages by SearchingBleach
Amazing that you got all of that out of the simple question of what else was in the bill. Calm down.
FedexJames t1_iycsiyj wrote
Reply to comment by No_Lies_Detected in Josh Hawley voting against inter racial and same sex marriages by SearchingBleach
I am surprised
FedexJames t1_iycruoc wrote
Reply to comment by No_Lies_Detected in Josh Hawley voting against inter racial and same sex marriages by SearchingBleach
It does matter. Congress likes to do shit like that. Then they can say look how backwards are opponents are. I bet there’s a bunch of spending hidden in there somewhere. I think I’m congress it should be one topic per bill. It would make things a lot better.
FedexJames t1_iycqvid wrote
What else was in the bill?
FedexJames t1_itf1skj wrote
Reply to $500 for an illegible sign. by Goats_vs_Aliens
That sign hurts my brain in soooo many ways
FedexJames t1_isrhezp wrote
Reply to any good african restaurants in SGF? by ThunderFvcker
I’d love a good German restaurant too
FedexJames t1_irgmuz6 wrote
Reply to Best breakfast place? by hb1364
Van Goghs or the Big Biscuit
FedexJames t1_jed5875 wrote
Reply to Hi, Springfield Americans! I am German and fascinated by the three missing women case by Ichhattekrebs
The podcast Ozark True Crime spent a whole season going over the case