FilteringOutSubs t1_jdtxquq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Internet Archive Loses Lawsuit Over Ebook Copyright Infringement. Here’s What to Know... by Halaku
> They aren't freely distributing though.
Except, as you say, for the period where they did that exactly which triggered the lawsuit and why the Internet Archive lost to summary judgment.
You can't just except away the biggest reason for the lawsuit...
FilteringOutSubs t1_ixqyvsq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Alarm clock lasted over two decades and somehow knows when daylight savings is still by VapeMySemen
No where in the picture do I see that. I googled the clock brand and looked at the model pictures for a minute, then I looked at that model's information/instructions.
Also again, there are not that many time signals in the US; if there is a clock updating from a radio signal in the US, it's probably the WWV.
And to be thorough, I say US because the clock shows a continental US outline.
FilteringOutSubs t1_ixoxybb wrote
Reply to comment by BigEmu9286 in Alarm clock lasted over two decades and somehow knows when daylight savings is still by VapeMySemen
There aren't that many time signals in the US. Also, it's in the clock's instructions
FilteringOutSubs t1_jegvrj5 wrote
Reply to comment by starmartyr in TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
> I'm not sure you understand what TLDR is for.
Sarcasm, snark, and sometimes a summary