Foghorner t1_j6lp913 wrote
Reply to TIL your computer keyboard is 20,589 times dirtier than a toilet seat. The average office keyboard has 3,543,000 colony-forming units (CFU) of bacteria per square inch while your average toilet seat only has 172 CFU per square inch by SappyGilmore
It’s not in the seat because it’s on everyone ass cheeks
Foghorner t1_j6lo980 wrote
Reply to comment by Roadkinglavared in TIL When a cow has opposite sex twins, the female twin is usually born intersex and infertile. This happens because the twins blood supplies are linked, which exposes the female to male sex hormones. by awawe
Does she then give birth to a super cow?
Foghorner t1_j6mbfxl wrote
Reply to comment by Bjorn2bwilde24 in TIL When a cow has opposite sex twins, the female twin is usually born intersex and infertile. This happens because the twins blood supplies are linked, which exposes the female to male sex hormones. by awawe
Holy cow