
FoldedButterfly t1_j80rkt3 wrote

... Wait, they're getting child support and charging you for rent, utilities, forcing you to buy your own necessities, etc, while you're still a minor in their care?? That sounds shady as hell. I'm not a lawyer and I don't know what state you live in, so I'm not sure if it's outright fraud. But definitely something to ask a free lawyer about. I'm so upset on your behalf!

Edit: if you want any help or moral support looking up laws and pro-bono lawyers in your area, you're welcome to pm me! I have some free time on my hands right now and I know looking through options alone can be overwhelming.


FoldedButterfly t1_j80q7a1 wrote

Uffda I'm sorry that happened, that sounds incredibly frustrating. Especially with them involving your job! For what it's worth you sound very responsible and well-adjusted to me, and it sounds like you have a good relationship with your mom. Those three things will far outlast anything else.

The nonsense with your grandparents is hard to live with, and they are wrong to use their power this way, but it is temporary. You're almost to 18, hang in there! You're doing great!