
FoleyisGood t1_itoampz wrote

> Everything is dumped in the same lot. Plastic, cardboard, glass all dumped into the same truck.

It's called single stream

> Who is sorting that out?

Rhode Island Resource Recovery. I think they have a virtual tour on the website. I did one in person years ago and it was really interesting.

To answer your questions

> We’re not really recycling anything are we?

Based on what I see going into the bins here in East Providence, not much. It's mostly trash. I think the MEGA drivers got tired of people losing their shit when their bins got an orange tag and looked the other way when they see trash in the bins. Personally witnessed literal breakdowns from people being told their recycling bin was full of trash.

> Are we just deluding ourselves?

Yup. I put my recyclables in the bin but honestly I don't it's doing any good.

Compost your food scraps tho!


FoleyisGood t1_ire7v3y wrote

Non-native here. RI's aren't as nice and friendly as they think they are. Sure there are nice people in the state but the majority I have met are not natives either