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Stunning-Picture164 t1_iui9u9k wrote

I’m hearing Lowe’s isn’t out


BigLoveFromAbove t1_iuia52q wrote

I was at Lowe's in Warwick and they were out. But that doesn't mean they all are.


Stunning-Picture164 t1_iuib6me wrote

Yeah unfortunately this comes second hand from my husband who’s out at A Lowe’s right now, though I don’t know which one. He was actually on route to THD for pellets so thanks for this post, OP!

When I learn which one he’s at I’ll pass on my intel 😄

Edit: Smithfield Lowes has a lot according to my husband.


sbaz86 t1_iuj6isf wrote

That’s because there is no Lowes in Smithfield you trickster you. Seriously though, North Providence or North Smithfield.


Stunning-Picture164 t1_iujvjsy wrote

As someone who always points of the difference between Warwick and West Warwick I should be ashamed.

My apologies, thank you for the correction. 😁


Frequent_Ad_7824 OP t1_iuia6g4 wrote

Awesome thank you


Stunning-Picture164 t1_iuic5zh wrote

According to my source, North Smithfield Lowe’s does have “a shit ton” as of 11:30 this morning.


TzarKazm t1_iuifcut wrote

Is that a metric or imperial shit ton?


gradontripp t1_iuift92 wrote

We use Freedom units here, Tzar. 🇺🇸


assholetoall t1_iuijbh1 wrote

But the imperial ton is a short ton and Americans are too fragile to admit anything we use is short.


BigLoveFromAbove t1_iui8n3r wrote

Tractor supply


Frequent_Ad_7824 OP t1_iui8zz3 wrote

Agreed tcs has better quality. I just happen to be in hd and wanted to let folks know so hopefully no one ends up out in the cold


Distinct-Ad5751 t1_iuibtyd wrote

When we had a pellet stove, TCS would give us a heads up when the pallets were scheduled to arrive. If you call and ask, they should let you know.


jimb575 t1_iuidy23 wrote

Way to give away the secret… lol


woobnut t1_iuizef4 wrote

I was at the one in woonsocket last week and the bags looked bad. Wet pellets and torn bags. I asked about it and they said some pallets were fine while others had bad bags on bottom rows. I didn’t feeling like looking through them all and taking a chance. Leeway Ace Hardware in North Smithfield just got a shipment in of Lignetics so I went with those.


FlashbackBob t1_iuikxo2 wrote

I just had a ton of pellets delivered from Fireplace Showcase in Seekonk.

Let’s keep this thread going. When someone knows of a place where pellets are let us know. I was told by my delivery driver there are supply chain issues with pellets


planeman125 t1_iujvrhq wrote

Pellets can be ordered online by the ton from fireplace showcase and they have them in stock year round!


FlashbackBob t1_iujzys9 wrote

They are already out of Cubex. I ordered the New England pellets instead. They told me they had a run on pellets. Here’s hoping they have enough in stock year round.


planeman125 t1_iuk08j4 wrote

They just got two more trucks of Cubex on Thursday…. Price went up but they’re back in stock


orm518 t1_iuis2vv wrote

Which Home Depot is in the picture? That would be the useful info. As other comments here have said it doesn't mean pellets aren't in stock elsewhere, including at other HDs.


Weak_Atmosphere5038 t1_iuja9jr wrote

Don't freak out people. They'll have more tomorrow this happens every fall


samskeyti_ t1_iujq5rs wrote

Is Fredericksons in Scituate out? It’s bad if they’re out.


JBlaze323 t1_iujz1gf wrote

Oh snap this spooked me for a second, I forgot I moved and no long used pellets


azi1611 t1_iujachs wrote

How am I supposed to drive my pellet if there’s no fuel for it.


2spoopy6me t1_iuipd89 wrote

The west Warwick home Depot still has some. I was just there buying last minute pumpkins 😬


radarmy t1_iuipvdr wrote

It's that time of year


mpm4q2 t1_iujlfp5 wrote

They are out of everything!


mr_smicklefritz t1_iujvvu3 wrote

How do you use pallet wood for heat it burns so quick ?


BMorris2526 t1_iuiltbe wrote

The inflation reduction act is doing nothing to reduce inflation. Even Obama's Chief economist said it will actually make inflation worse.


BMorris2526 t1_iuie2qe wrote

I heard that there is a shortage and they are way more expensive than last year. Welcome to the green new deal.


magnoliasmanor t1_iuijx7p wrote

Ah yes "The Green New Deal" that never happened. It's their fault.

Oh you meant the "inflation reduction act" that applied billions over 10 years for new renewable energy. That bill you're talking about then not the fear mongering Fox News fake bill? The one that pays for itself in the first year with taxes on stock buybacks. That one?

That act allocated funds for renewable energy. How does that reduce wood pellet supplies? Would it not incentive them seeing how it's considered a renewable energy source?

Or are they more expensive because.... Everything is more expensive? All inputs including labor (because wages are up) are up so of course it's more expensive.

You're going to blame your coffee that's now $2 from $1.50 last year on this fake bill you made up too?


somegridplayer t1_iuifrwm wrote

I bet you think there's only 25 days of diesel left too.


BMorris2526 t1_iuiih8m wrote

I know that diesel prices are up 33% in a month and that diesel is being rationed.


somegridplayer t1_iuik9t1 wrote

First off, the number they're throwing around is based on days of reserve. The only time that would actually matter is if all cracking and refining was shut down completely.

Second of all, it's always being rationed. Distributors and stations can only buy so much fuel. If you have a bunch of morons going berserk and filling all their jugs with diesel and fuel oil then the dealers are going to run out and they can only buy so much more.

That's what happens when the tin foil comes out in force by people who have absolutely no idea how the oil/fuel industry works.

TLDR: we're not running out of diesel. Stop it.


Simonsays2526 t1_iuj4o65 wrote

They really hate you here dude. However, that’s true about diesel. Especially in northern New England.


Frequent_Ad_7824 OP t1_iuigvx5 wrote

It is what Bloomberg and nbc are saying actually many are saying that wether it’s true or not who knows


BMorris2526 t1_iuij0q1 wrote

CNBC. No conservatives there. Saw it today.


sc00p401 t1_iuilv31 wrote

Ooooooooookay buddy keep deluding yourself.


BMorris2526 t1_iuimntl wrote

I'm deluding myself that diesel prices are much higher. Maybe you should come out of your parents basement and drive by a fuel station.


dishwashersafe t1_iuikwh7 wrote

This has absolutely nothing to do with the "green new deal". Oil prices are up worldwide and driving people to alternatives. Maybe aim your blame at COVID, Ukraine, OPEC, or something that makes a shred of sense.


[deleted] t1_iuiibfp wrote



BMorris2526 t1_iuiljnu wrote

It's actually quite simple, but not simple enough for the progressives in this forum to understand. The President declares war on the fossil fuel companies, he said it, on his first day in office. Shuts down the construction of all pipelines in the U.S. Consequently, energy prices increase dramatically causing people to seek alternative sources to heat their homes.


Coincel_pro t1_iuiv3we wrote

The Green New Deal only exists on paper and was not passed lmao people just eat this shit up from foxnews I guess.


BMorris2526 t1_iuj36qa wrote

We are seeing a green new deal lite thanks to Joe Manchin. Manchin was smart enough to see the consequences of reckless spending and rising fuel prices. Is that all you have, Fox News. You should really stick to the talking points. It's Trump, January 6 and then Fox News.


Coincel_pro t1_iujiynw wrote

You are making shit up because you're either too stupid to understand how legislation works and are backtracking, or are being willingly obtuse because you have to bang a partisan drum at the expense of logic / critical thinking.


Frequent_Ad_7824 OP t1_iuigrrb wrote

Last year I could get a pallet of pellets for 245 so far right now same pallet is 329


BMorris2526 t1_iuii7rf wrote

It's only going to get worse this winter.


waxenpi t1_iuj1tud wrote

I'm more surprised people are still heating their homes with this shit.


FoleyisGood t1_iuix6zw wrote

you can't really be that ignorant?


BMorris2526 t1_iuizlpp wrote

I know that facts are difficult to understand with certain individuals. Being ignorant applies to you and your woke minions who refuse to accept what is in front of you. Maybe you live in your parents basement and don't have to pay for fuel or groceries. You're too busy being focused on gender fluidity and celebrating abortion in the third trimester.


Simonsays2526 t1_iuj4h01 wrote

Don’t bother. Facts don’t go over well with this crowd.


Dopey-NipNips t1_iujbxjc wrote

What does the gnd have to do with the price of pellets?

How about Trumps tarrifs causing the price of imports to go up


Simonsays2526 t1_iujnwzo wrote

Biden could have lifted those tariffs, but kept them in place. Trump is gone, you have to get him out of your head.


Dopey-NipNips t1_iujohh5 wrote

Anything trump did is bidens fault but that's a fact that just doesn't go over well with people