
Folsomdsf t1_jd7llcs wrote

>Too much dicking around and not enough action.

My dude, they're building NEW tanks. That's what Ukraine bought, they have no training on them, why there was no rush, but also the Abrams is such an easy tank to use that once ukraine found the ability to free up some crews FOR training they want to use them immediately.


Folsomdsf t1_jamfy9b wrote

He drives too many cars most likely is the cause of this. He was pulling in forward into a spot pretty tight. He was unfortunately in a tesla which are generally poor in the maneuver compared to what he likely drives. REmember he drives from antique Model T's all the way up to a modern porsche. The tesla is likely still the worst at that maneuver from his normal drivers. Small mistake, barely a little paint scrape.


Folsomdsf t1_j6d84sf wrote

>You just don't see such 'city cars' in the USA because no red-blooded meat-eating christian would buy such a silly little vehicle.

I'm taking a guess you're european and have no clue why cars are different in the US. We do have those cars, but commutes on average are at minimum twice as long as European counterparts. I don't think Europeans have ever actually looked at a map or globe critically when they say garbage like this. They don't understand how big the US actually is and how much distance MORE a US driver travels. this is why they buy the larger more comfortable models mostly, which has lend to an escalating war of leg room, comfort, etc.


Folsomdsf t1_iy0xexd wrote

>Dude...that's a case report.

And? It was the first obvious one, and also showing it's already available OTC and has been abused rofl.

>Do you think that someone's going to replace their morning pick-me-up by stabbing themselves with an expensive auto-injector every ten minutes?

.... Have you ever actually met another human being with a bad habit? Like seriously, how can you ask this question? Yes they absolutely fucking would rofl. People do stupid shit for way less.


Folsomdsf t1_iy0vj8w wrote

>than would do so with epi pens.

If OTC it would be abused very heavily actually. Epinephrine would be manufactured on a scale you don't understand if allowed otc or into other sources. Caffeine specifically causes your adrenal glands to release epinephrine and cortisol. Imagine how quickly our most abused drug in the world would be supplanted by skipping that step and just taking actual doses of what we're trying to get.

People already abuse otc sources of epinephrine when the opportunity presents.