
FortCharles t1_j26mpha wrote

>I was really excited to get my phone so I literally just grabbed it from the top of the box and ran to the store

That's very different from what you wrote in your post above, where you said "So, we went to go open my new iPhone and put the screen on. The box was empty. The phone has been stolen out of it beforehand."

Which phone did you excitely grab and run to the the store with?

At this point, your story is so mixed up and hard to follow, if true at all, that I give up.


FortCharles t1_j26lbxp wrote

You should be able to get compensation for the value of the lost phone, not a replacement phone sent... so your already having bought a new phone won't factor into it. Filing a claim might start some internal investigation within UPS, but I doubt they'll share any of that with you, and you'll never know if they found who took it.