
Fragrant_Butthole t1_je2dcpc wrote

Merrill Creek is about 15 mins away from RV and its quite a bit more predictable as far as wind goes. Its a really nice place to paddle. Lots of little shallow coves right next to the launch, with shady trees to park under and have a rest if the time of day is right. I've never really had an "oh shit" moment there like at RV. They are privately owned and have some rules & regulations (no SUP, no kayak under 9 feet, etc) so check out their web page before you go.


Fragrant_Butthole t1_je03f7k wrote

idk who downvoted this but he's right. The local rescue squad is there frequently pulling people out of the water. Some people they don't ever find, just empty boats. It's nick named the bermuda triangle of NJ, there have been many articles and at least 1 tv show about it.

Just go ahead and Google "NJ bermuda triangle" if you think people are making it up.


Fragrant_Butthole t1_jdy1dh5 wrote

It can be really very rough if it's windy. I've gotten in trouble there a few times in my kayak. Never dumped, but definitely sketch. Winds there are amplified due to the bowl it rests in, so what feels like a calm day can be quite rough. It can be calm as glass and then within a few minutes waves are cresting with whitecaps. If you really want to check it out I would advise you to stick to the perimeter and be sure to wear your PFD, (wearing it, not just with you in the boat) and go on a calm day.


Fragrant_Butthole t1_iwj99g4 wrote

Reply to comment by Luxin in Living in Western NJ? by mxfive5

Yea do you live here? I do. First off, there has been klan activity in Oxford photo documented as recently as 2003 where a group of them posed in front of the Oxford sign. If you follow the washington area community groups on Facebook you'll see examples of people who moved to the area and then were surprised that "my kid got called the N word while walking home from school".

Then there's the less direct, "acceptable" (to them) racism of people reposting things like Michelle Obama as a monkey, etc. For every 1 person that objects, 10 others stand up and call them karens for not being able to take a joke.

The prevailing attitude from the majority of the community is that unless you literallt have a POC hanging from a tree in your yard, you're "not racist", and that flying of Confederate flags /racist jokes / hazing of LGBTQ people is ok as this is all just freedumb of speech. And all the racists/homophobes react just like you did here when someone calls them out on problematic behavior.

It's not a progressive area and it's not a welcoming environment for POC, LGBTQ or anyone else who isn't straight, white and Christian. It's just not, and when people are looking to move here they should be warned so their families do not have to deal with unexpected/undisclosed behavior.

It's not about your feelings, ts about warning people and keeping them safe and informed.


Fragrant_Butthole t1_iwejrc7 wrote

If you're a MAGA hat wearer you'll fit right in. Seeing people fly Confederate flags off the back of lifted trucks blowing thick black smoke is not uncommon. It's getting better, but it's still pretty bad.