
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu18wiv wrote

God, it shocks me that people like you exist. "They are going after our CHILDREN" you say.

Fucking how? Are you such an insecure little bitch that just the mere thought that someone could think differently than you makes you cry yourself to sleep? You think that teaching children to not hate others is bad because they won't respect little insecure morons that can't handle learning new concepts?

Tough shit.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu0qs7i wrote

>The people obsessing over this debate are people who dont know how strokes work and didnt pay attention to anything that was actually said in the debate.

Were saying the same thing here - I'm not sure why you would refuse to acknowledge that there are a lot of really dumb people who only saw "That man speaks good to me, that one speaks bad! Oz FTW"


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu0bbo9 wrote

It was always going to be a shitshow. Oz is famous for his experience on TV, and spent decades lying to people. The "make sound bite" format is his entire world. Fetterman sounds bad even without recovering from a stroke.

I just hope that the people of PA remember that they are voting for someone that will cast votes on federal issues, not who sounds better on TV.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_itlu5i1 wrote

The trees are so excellent. This is a great picture for sure - even the river looks inviting and not like you will die of some unknown disease the minute you swim in it.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_isezb96 wrote

I'm just nervous. There was a poll of likely voters recently that showed in PA the two most important issues are guns and economy. Abortion doesn't make the top 5. Pot didn't make the list.

Unfortunately, that plays directly into the message the GOP has been pushing for the last 60 years. They have convinced every gullible person and every person that doesn't pay very much attention that Republicans are better for the economy (despite all evidence pointing to the contrary).

And of course, this is America. So fetishizing guns is a core personality trait for some 30% of the population.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_isexqgk wrote

I don't have my hopes up. The "he has to read instead of listen to smalltalk!" angle is working well for the GOP, and they do not care a single bit about any bad thing Oz has done.

The America we live in is one where disinformation is the king, and a wealthy few use that to convince millions of suffering people that the reason they are suffering is because of each other.

But, I will absolute drink to celebrate if Oz loses. That would restore a little bit of faith.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_is2ahgp wrote

This is far from a PA issue, it's a "The US is INCREDIBLY happy to lock people in prison" issue.

We do not have social systems in place to help people with mental health issues. It's why whenever someone shoots up a school and politicians wring their hands about how its "A mental health issue" and then do NOTHING, it stings extra hard.

Defund the police was a bad slogan because it's catchy and makes sense if you understand it, but does not actually tell people what the idea actually is. Move funding from paramilitary police forces and excessive prison enforcement and put the funding into mental health services and better social safety nets doesn't have the ring to it, but god damn is it what this country needs to do.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iqqq60q wrote

What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing?

There's practically a music/food/culture/media festival/convention every weekend, most of them are not drinking focused. Even Picklesburgh, which is famous for pickle beer, is still mostly just about food and local crafts.

There are world class parks, amazing bike trails, tons of fantastic restaurants, and a lot of local clubs. The car scene is huge, there's a strong antiquing culture, and a lot of small music venues. It really depends on what you like to do.