
Fylla t1_jdd8i24 wrote

That's just Trudeau's typical M.O. though - deny, deny, and imply that it's all from people acting in bad faith. Then if it doesn't go away, slowly trickle truth for months on end, constantly moving the goalposts and offering up token gestures to try and slow or stop the attention. The only way he's ever honest is if the media and opposition are relentless and tireless enough to keep at him and not let things die. He's never upfront about anything possibly negative.


Fylla t1_j2c549n wrote


A cool reply I saw to the news:

> In today's wars, there are no morals. We believe the worst thieves in the world today and the worst terrorists are the Russians. We do not have to differentiate between military or civilian. As far as we are concerned, they are all targets.

Let's hope this air defense can be used offensively as well against Putin and his goons. Slava Ukraini! Heroyam slava!
