
t1_je8lp3u wrote

Amtrak Train 66 leaves Providence 6:56 and arrives in Boston usually early, 7:40 am. I took that for 4 years, 5-6 days a week. Lots of commuters on that train. My boss liked I was there early and I left at 5 to grab the train home. It was worth it for me over the commuter rail.

I also live on the East Side. It took me about 1:20 door to door.

Leave house 6:40ish (because I hate rushing) Arrive about 6:45, get coffee at Cafe La France Wait a few minutes on platform. Train 6:56-7:45ish Grab coffee at South Station Walk to work 5 minutes (Fort Point) Desk by 8am

I no longer do this because I’m not 29 and childless, but it wasn’t bad while I did it. I now work downtown providence and still live on the east side. The 7 minute commute is so ridiculous.


t1_jdvyxu7 wrote

> You can't be a true Rhode Islander, but your kids could.

I always go back and forth whether we adhere to the rule Mainers do, "just because a cat has kittens in the oven don't make 'em biscuits" or we permit first-generation born in RI to call themselves Rhode Islanders.


t1_jdvxlv7 wrote

What's the issue here? Rodents are nuisances and not wanted in homes or restaurants. Clearly some restaurant or store in the area has baited some mice traps and you happened to see the business end of things.

Welcome to living in a city.


t1_jdu28a0 wrote

This sucks, sorry. But insurance only covers a stolen vehicle if you pay for comprehensive coverage, which is optional and not required by the state. I'm kinda surprised you didn't have it on a newer car, but too late now. When you get another car, buy comprehensive!


t1_jbsyzi8 wrote


There’s a lady with a huge (intact) mastiff type dog that lives right on Hope street. Dog runs all around the sidewalk, bounds across the street without a leash when on a walk. It’s bizarre. Maybe that dog is ok lady but there’s leash rules for a reason.


t1_j9dftaf wrote

I know the state bought up a bunch of land along the shore to extend and connect the bike path to the Washington Bride bike path. So it’s possible the state owns this land and hasn’t been updated on that map? The state was buying just strips not whole lots. Could also be a deeded easement, which would give state some property rights but probably wouldn’t show up on the GIS map.


t1_j9amsh7 wrote

There is no way that Hope should be allowed double side parking on the block between Wheeler (Angell) and the Brown gym/rink (Lloyd). The shoulder there literally is not wide enough for cars on the west side of the street, yet people park anyways. If the city tried to take it away you’d have everyone pissed, brown kids who drive to the gym (lol), wheeler parents, etc. They all have $$ and status, so squeeze down Hope Street we do.