GOLDANDAPPELINC t1_jdw8qm6 wrote

Judging by the way they rifled through his pockets and CD collection, I'm guessing that they realized they were in a pretty nice house and were looking for a piece of Afroman's pie (ie: Ca$h Money) more than a piece of his cake. Except that one portly rockstar, he'd probably shoot Afroman's grandma in the face for a doggy bag.


GOLDANDAPPELINC t1_jdtjts1 wrote

I never would've known that song and video existed, or have access to any identifying details about those cops, if they hadn't gotten all butthurt and sued the man. Textbook Streisand Effect. They should be the ones writing a TIFU post here.


GOLDANDAPPELINC t1_iy7zyby wrote

Y'know what the best dick move in Monopoly is? Are you prepared to read the big black evil book bound in human flesh? The rules say you don't replace houses with pennies or Lifesavers or some shit when they run out - when they're gone, they're gone. So never build hotels and nobody else can build anything. Check and mate.

My nickname in my Monopoly club (yes, I know) was "Slumlord." I would give some sucker my entire bankroll for Baltic and Mediterranean and then bleed them like Jack the Ripper.


GOLDANDAPPELINC t1_iy7zg0c wrote

Okay, that particular dick move is actually legal, but still a dick move. The game was invented to bash capitalism, after all, and nobody who is losing hard isn't going to eg: help his wife out if he wants the rest of the evening to go well. I'm talking more about the shit people do that makes it take forever (the chief complaint) such as the "Free Parking Pot" and refusing to trade at all.