
Gamaray311 t1_je8x0vf wrote

This scared the crap out of me. I take showers with the door open by myself after I take my son to school. I think I hear stuff like 3 out of 10 times- once I even brought my gun into the bathroom during a particularly paranoid time. I am glad you immediately left that place after the hospital stay. I’d probably need someone to sit on the toilet while I showered for the rest of my life if this happened to me!


Gamaray311 t1_jbrqpwc wrote

I can’t believe you made it out- smart thinking to act like he already changed you I am guessing. They scare me the way they just stare at you blinking all weird. I will never go anywhere by myself ever again!!


Gamaray311 t1_j3fwnjv wrote

Please keep us in the loop about your situation… I want to read each being you become and one day help you figure it out


Gamaray311 t1_ivmxi22 wrote

This was gross but I couldn’t stop reading it - I hope you nose blindness kicks in quick so you can enjoy this strange hell