
Girafferage t1_jd8ubok wrote

Well, as long as they have been vetted and maybe been around for a good long while. I cant imagine how this sub would have degraded had the other mod been made top mod.

Maybe when the time comes you could have both the current mods of the sub and the community take a vote and then use the outcomes as a good starting point on where to go next.


Girafferage t1_jd8jh1b wrote

Its incredibly hard to determine who somebody really is even in real life in your day to day with people you see constantly. I wouldn't be too hard on yourself about the situation. You did what was right and you are actively working to fix any lingering issues. Id say your actions were justified in trying to help your community and adding a new mod who you believed would do that, and as soon as you saw the situation in the sub you acted quickly, and even engaged in the side sub I created and let people know what was going on and what you were doing to fix it.
Don't put this on you. There is honestly not a lot of people moderating who would have been as diligent and respectful through this.

I would add however, it may be best to not ever hand off the top mod position so there is always an ultimate option to have somebody that I think we can all agree is pretty sane and reasonable who is able to handle any moderator related issues. Any new mods you bring in will be able to do anything you would anyway given the permissions, but they wont be able to remove you, and you will still be able to remove them. Its really nice to have that failsafe in place.


Girafferage t1_jcwpq0c wrote

If you got banned I made another subreddit until the mod issue gets resolved and I encourage people to cross post items for those who were wrongfully and randomly banned.


I feel like the upvote/downvote system can do most the moderating, but if people want to have actual mods for what should be a very temporary subreddit, go for it.


Girafferage t1_jcwl2c3 wrote

This mod bans people even if they don't break any rules lol. It's literally just them deciding who they want to stay based on how they personally feel.

Can't you contact the other now about this childs behavior?


Girafferage t1_ja5lcwl wrote

It's less the resolution and more gathering a huge set of frames from the video at different angles and lighting to determine if somebody is who it thinks they are. But yeah, I also hope it's still like 8k min


Girafferage t1_j9r3juu wrote

No you aren't way off. They run off models, which are a huge set of pre-trained data that tell the AI what any given thing is. Using that model and the rules written into the AI and neural net it gives a result from an input. The input can be images, sounds, whatever, and the model has to be trained to specifically handle that type of input or in some cases multiple types.

After that you usually run the AI a bunch and at the start you get pretty much garbage coming out so you change the weights around to see what works best and do some training with the AI where it gives you a result and you say yes that's right or no that's incorrect, and it takes that information into account to determine its future outputs. That is not the same as a person telling something like ChatGPT it is wrong or right, at that point the model is done and complete. You aren't rewriting anything. The developers might take those conversations into account and use the corrections to enhance the model, but that's separate and not at all like chatting with an AI.

I have mostly worked with image related neural networks for tracking and detection and tracking works a lot different than detection, but I also had a hobby project with one for text that was determined the mood of a set of sentences (sad, happy, lonely, confused, scared, ect.) But that text one is easy to do for any programmer and not too bad for a non-programming savvy person either.


Girafferage t1_j8rxwdw wrote

I wouldn't say that. There are other studies showing that things such as checking your phone while watching a movie or scrolling Facebook while working directly impact your ability to concentrate and recall memories in the long term.

It's not surprising. If you frequently allow yourself to flip between multiple forms of media then you are just conditioning yourself to continue to want to do so in situations where you shouldn't be, such as at work.


Girafferage t1_j8jcuvx wrote

This was my first thought. Including a cockpit and systems to keep a human comfortable and alive and safe are honestly a waste of space. If anything it should be a drone with ground control options as a backup in the event of a problem. That would be safer than having a pilot there in case of a problem anyway.


Girafferage t1_j5ygnma wrote

It's also limited by physical land space. Its hard to live in that affordable housing if it's not anywhere near your job location which will statistically be closer to areas of higher prices for homes and apartments.


Girafferage t1_j5y9zqs wrote

It would be, except there isn't rain anywhere on the entire planet that doesn't already contain dangerous levels of it. And eating 1 wild caught fish is just as bad as a month of drinking contaminated water.

Good on Maine though for actually trying to do something at least. We really need a system to remove them from the environment at this point, and maybe hold the companies that made these chemicals and knew about these negative effects accountable. There haven't been a ton of study's on the pharmaceuticals in waste fertilizer from humans, but the ones that have checked the contents of different brands aren't optimistic. Dangerous levels of a multitude of drugs, some that women aren't even supposed to handle period.


Girafferage t1_j5xgg52 wrote

We already are recycling human waste to fertilize crops. It's actually kind of a problem because the drugs people take also go with that waste into the fertilizer and end up in people's food.

It's literally the only reason I buy organic for vegetables that grow underground or on the ground. Organic foods cannot be grown with fertilizer from human waste.