HampterDumpster t1_j6ia1co wrote
Reply to comment by BatmanMK1989 in Garden State. And Zach in general. by BatmanMK1989
Zach likes em young is all.
HampterDumpster t1_j6i494z wrote
Reply to Garden State. And Zach in general. by BatmanMK1989
Zach likes young women
HampterDumpster t1_j655d6g wrote
Reply to comment by achenx75 in Does anyone watch new super hero movies and pick out how generic it is? by achenx75
Wow they must have thought your sophisticated and cultured remarks were a bit sophmoric?
HampterDumpster t1_j6539s4 wrote
Reply to comment by achenx75 in Does anyone watch new super hero movies and pick out how generic it is? by achenx75
Lol u deleted the post
HampterDumpster t1_j6532py wrote
Reply to Top 25 TV Shows of 2022 by pm_me_reason_to_livx
- She hulk
- Ted lasso
- Ms Marvel
- Harley Quinn show
- Lord of the rings
- Spy x family
- Chainsaw man
- Loki
- Mob psycho
- Hot D
HampterDumpster t1_j651xxx wrote
Reply to comment by achenx75 in Does anyone watch new super hero movies and pick out how generic it is? by achenx75
Hey, we got a sophisticated and cultured bro over here. Apparently he's also soooo smart he is asking very serious questions
"DAE think SuperHeRo MoViEs FolLoW FoRmuLaS"?
HampterDumpster t1_j6511ce wrote
Reply to Recommend a movie! by Apprehensive-Ear4638
Pawn Shop Cronicles
HampterDumpster t1_j650vev wrote
Aren't you so sophisticated and cultured
HampterDumpster t1_ixb9hst wrote
Reply to Why video game sourced movies are bad by 47-D
Silent hill. And whichever came first, the chicken or the Goldeneye.
HampterDumpster t1_j6ifx4g wrote
Reply to comment by Owasso_Landman in Garden State. And Zach in general. by BatmanMK1989
They broke up cause she's too old for Zach. Zach likes em young