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HampterDumpster t1_j651xxx wrote

Hey, we got a sophisticated and cultured bro over here. Apparently he's also soooo smart he is asking very serious questions

"DAE think SuperHeRo MoViEs FolLoW FoRmuLaS"?


achenx75 OP t1_j65293c wrote

is everything okay at home?


Cranestoique t1_j652nbt wrote

HampterDunpster probably lives a very generic life... 😋


achenx75 OP t1_j658u0e wrote

lol I just checked his profile and he seems to be a huge super hero movie fan. seems I offended him.


HampterDumpster t1_j6539s4 wrote

Lol u deleted the post


achenx75 OP t1_j653rg7 wrote

my brother in christ, please just read.

"Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/movies."


HampterDumpster t1_j655d6g wrote

Wow they must have thought your sophisticated and cultured remarks were a bit sophmoric?


achenx75 OP t1_j658lcc wrote

idk man, haven't been a sophomore since college