HeyPierreComeOutHere t1_ixvqbko wrote
Reply to Europe wants to harness the power of the sun... from space/The ESA wants to collect solar energy from the cosmos to help the continent meet climate targets by Sorin61
Literally just build nuclear plants. We invented them in the 60s.
HeyPierreComeOutHere t1_ixp17lo wrote
Ford Bronco owners have been on a ride ever since they bought their vehicle lmao
HeyPierreComeOutHere t1_iy1q685 wrote
Reply to Cheap, sensor-based agriculture could slash water use by up to 70%/We could definitely use something like this with all the droughts around by Sorin61
Yeah but not for us common folk. What we need to stop are the million/billionaires using millions of gallons of water a month to fill their multiple swimming pools and large companies using as much water as they please. Consumers aren't the problem in droughts.