
HolmeonSpaulding t1_jdifq3m wrote

Reply to comment by DDups2 in MA legend suing dunks by OutlawCozyJails

It is. And so is the food.

Seeing people spend 2k a year on shitty coffee is mind blowing.

I'm all for being lazy and treating myself but...my French press coffee costs me about 5 bucks a week. It's like 300 bucks for the year and it legit takes me 2 minutes in the am.

People go save 1700 and drink decent coffee!

[I'm an old, cheap Yankee]


HolmeonSpaulding t1_jd9q8gs wrote

Ooh. I have a good one. The playground at purgatory state park is nice. Plus there is sliding rock (don't miss it because it's farther in the park and you could.) And hiking the chasm!


HolmeonSpaulding t1_jccbrqh wrote

I think they are having a laugh because you are being a bit of a drama queen and it ended up being one of the biggest storms in a long time.

Long power outages for 1000,000, damaged homes, 2 to 3 feet of snow, no school for 2 days. Some places roads still aren't cleared because of live wires and downed trees.

They were really spot on for most of the state.