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[deleted] OP t1_jc6oyc8 wrote

? I have a foot of snow and about 20K tree work to be done from downed trees - and it's still coming.

Dude, it's not all about you.


ElCornBread t1_jcbry3i wrote

So you're absolutely a liar. Considering Ive down invoices for tree cutting. 20k is an absurd amount of trees to take down. I don't believe it for half a second. Get your little dick out of here


[deleted] OP t1_jcbv95v wrote

WTF is your problem dude. I have a heated pool with a shed with a furnace and a whole outdoor kitchen behind my house and a grove of trees in between Just getting the crane back there and using the crane is like 3K and each tree removed I was quoted 1500 - 3000.

Like you think that's a sexy flex? I gotta get trees removed and it's expensive.

Wait till you find out I had a french drain put in because my cove joint failed in my basement that cost 40K last month- well really last month & this month. The foundation only cost 20K but I also had to have carpenters to remove framing then put it back, heating guys remove and then reinstall the baseboard heating, carpet removed and then tacked back and the finished basement rewalled and mudded and painted.

Good news is we'll have to use the pool heater less because all the trees were shading the pool and the hottub.

But right now we are hoping no roofs collapse like so many neighbors.

And all in all we got 29 inches, you sad little turnip!


ElCornBread t1_jcby62v wrote

Lot of time on your hands to type something like that damnnnn daniel


ElCornBread t1_jcby8yn wrote

Sexy flex? Lol you don't own property


[deleted] OP t1_jcc1rxj wrote

Kid, I'm a 50+ year old lady with a house. Not that it matters but it's quite a house. Basketball, bocce, shuffleboard, and tennis court (it's excessive but the previous owners did it).

From your display here my guess is you are younger than my boys so I get owning property seems far away.

But yeah, I have plenty of time since I don't do any work other than a bit of consulting.

"Oooooo everybody be careful we've got a noreaster coming it's gonna be bad!" Yeah- entire towns had no power for 24 hours and schools canceled for 2 days because there were too many trees down and too many wires down and not enough workers to clear.

But I like how you are lashing out in a thread that you claimed there'd be no storm -- and some places got almost 3 feet. LOL. If I were you I'd just skulk away and pretend it never happened.


considertheoctopus t1_jc6jy7d wrote

Did you lose money gambling on snow or something?


Doom-Hauer451 t1_jc6phhz wrote

I’m honestly surprised casinos in the area haven’t picked up on this - it is New England after all lol.


mrlolloran t1_jc6qpo0 wrote

I imagine there’d be too much controversy as to where/when it got measured otherwise it would already be a thing


asmithey t1_jc6s95u wrote

Dude was obviously slant sticking it to measure. NWS is on the take!


ElCornBread t1_jcbs47y wrote

I couldn't send staff out to work because of this bullshit brah yeah I bet on it and lost


SkunkMonkey t1_jc6hici wrote

Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Honestly, it's better having people prepare for the worst and nothing happens than the other way around.

I'm sure your one of the first people that screams bloody murder when the weather is worse than predicted, aren't ya?


macaron_amour t1_jc6hxz2 wrote

This is exactly why weather predictions bias towards inclement weather! It’s better to warn for rain and not have it than not warn and have unexpected rain.


Icy-Neck-2422 t1_jc6hujy wrote

Oscars season is over.


ElCornBread t1_jcbul3x wrote



HolmeonSpaulding t1_jccbrqh wrote

I think they are having a laugh because you are being a bit of a drama queen and it ended up being one of the biggest storms in a long time.

Long power outages for 1000,000, damaged homes, 2 to 3 feet of snow, no school for 2 days. Some places roads still aren't cleared because of live wires and downed trees.

They were really spot on for most of the state.


bigredthesnorer t1_jc6kzl8 wrote

What about the forecast is wrong? Its 9am and its on target for where I live along 495.


Poisonous_plum t1_jc6il4c wrote

Not sure where you are but this is the worst snowstorm we’ve seen this season where I am…it’s absolutely dumping in the Worcester hills with multiple power outages already. 🤷🏻‍♀️


mrlolloran t1_jc6r6ts wrote

OP you could have checked the hourly forecast before posting this bullshit. I swear some people hear the date and that it was supposed to snow and if it isn’t white out conditions when they wake up they act like it’s not just wind


cimson-otter t1_jc6iics wrote

Idk dude, it’s pretty bad out there. Try to drive down Rt9 in northboro right now and report back


ElCornBread t1_jcbv0st wrote

Ur into pro wrestling your opinion me jackshit to me


cimson-otter t1_jcbzpy3 wrote

You’re some bitch ass gamer. You have no room to judge anyone


Large_Inspection_73 t1_jc738qi wrote

Route 9 in Newton is fine


cimson-otter t1_jc73l0m wrote

That’s cool. I said northboro though


Large_Inspection_73 t1_jc73xek wrote

Right, but that’s not what the weather forecast said yesterday, which is what the post is discussing


cimson-otter t1_jc76267 wrote

And they said this area would be a shit show, which it is…


m_bt54 t1_jc6m02h wrote

They were spot on so far in my area


SketchAinsworth t1_jc6imot wrote

Yea I’m in Worcester and we’re looking at almost a foot, it’s already starting to stick


password-is-taco1 t1_jc6ig46 wrote

Some parts of the state are getting hit hard, most of the state is getting snow later. I agree that they will tend to overestimate to get more viewers, but it’s better for the state to be over prepared than underprepared.


8bitAdventures t1_jc6pm39 wrote

Reports have been accurate for the Berkshires so far.


ElCornBread t1_jcbti8j wrote

Who cares about the Berkshires


8bitAdventures t1_jcbuqpe wrote

Biggest storm we’ve had in 12 years. Jim Cantore showed up. Since you didn’t get any snow, go touch grass.


goPACK17 t1_jc6zo3x wrote

OP tries to return soup at a deli


ElCornBread t1_jcbtms5 wrote

I'll take the burn but how does that relate at all? Like is the soup the weather and the deli Fox News?


Sidewayzracer t1_jc6jv5n wrote

it has only started to snow in lowell in the last hour


DernKala1975 t1_jc6kzmt wrote

We’re getting anywhere from 8-12” out here. It was a tough storm to call with the temp hovering right around freezing. But yeah, sure they should all be fired it’s a huge conspiracy


Sunny_Dais t1_jc72ttc wrote

We have downed trees and downed power lines, 30,000 without power. I don’t know what you’re talking about


somegridplayer t1_jc6pwow wrote

Thank god that ship full of salt just dropped off in Chelsea, you'll need all of it at this rate.


leeann0923 t1_jc6mhby wrote

I passed 3-4 accidents by route 2 near Shirley. It’s pretty miserable up here. When I left Natick it was rain. Forecast was pretty clear that the Boston metro area closer to the coast wasn’t going to switch to snow until noon today.


ElCornBread t1_jcbtuol wrote

I live near Natick and if people got into accidents it's because they're also blind


leeann0923 t1_jcc49cb wrote

I literally said I saw the accidents on Route 2 in Shirley but okay.


[deleted] OP t1_jc6oj62 wrote


So the weather, it would seem, is inverted where I live.

All winter, they kept telling us we would have snow, and all winter, people were sharing photos and complaining about that snow, except for here, where all it did was rain. That's it, rain and more rain. Except for 2 minor storms, all this winter, all we received here was rain.

You're telling me everything is fine there?

We're getting buried here in my little corner of the world. Trees are down, power lines are in the street, and everything is closing, including local stores and banks (even town offices are closed, today). If you're in the Southampton / Easthampton area, even the bushes look like they're being flattened like pancakes.

I wanted snow, and well, I finally got it. I suspect it will convert over to rain at some point.


HungrySeaShark t1_jc6ltcb wrote

I've been getting text updates from Eversource all week. By this logic, do they put their crews on standby to boost TV ratings?


Flyingcoyote t1_jc6l2du wrote

Can we fire the people who over salt the roads?


DumbshitOnTheRight t1_jc6u4e8 wrote

I get my weather from NOAA; they're what all the local idiots are using as a source anyway.


Doom-Hauer451 t1_jc83spt wrote

I just had to drive my friend from Worcester to Milford NH and the roads were absolute crap from Leominster north. Down power lines and I couldn’t stop at Cumbies on the way back because their power was out. I’d say they were pretty spot on.


ElCornBread t1_jcbr8c0 wrote

Leominster doesnt count. Anything close to Worcester is another state


maybeafarmer t1_jcosvw4 wrote

I dunno, the forecasters forecasted 29 inches of snow for where I live and we got it.


ElCornBread t1_jcbt2oy wrote

Everybody who got grumpy....

  1. Idc about Worcester because that's where most of our criminals live.
  2. A foot of snow is not a lot of snow, look back at records. Also CALIFORNIA got 6-8 the other week
  3. Because you got snow doesn't undermine the fact that everywhere else got jackshit, calling a snowy rainy mix a noreaster is dumb
  4. You must all must work for or be related to someone who does the weather because you cannot say they haven't been pulling this all winter...
  5. I didn't know there were so many nerdy people checking reddit during a snow storm
  6. You're allowed to have your own opinion but obviously I'm cranky and just want to scream with my thumbs so let me do it damnnnnn

Large_Inspection_73 t1_jc6ky1z wrote

Once you’ve lived here long enough, you learn to phase out the blizzard predictions as noise. It’s usually rain or a small amount of snow. Occasionally the opposite occurs and we get hit with a foot of snow, but that is rare.


josephkambourakis t1_jc6jryp wrote

I have a total of 0 inches here in Needham. I do know better than to listen to the weather people.


Large_Inspection_73 t1_jc73m9y wrote

Funny how you get downvoted for stating the truth. As if the weather forecast I checked yesterday for this area didn’t predict snow starting last night into this morning, and instead we got rain.


josephkambourakis t1_jc7wyb4 wrote

I also just realized it's a bunch of haters who wish they lived in metrowest and are stuck in some godless place such as Worcester.