
Howtobefreaky t1_j7s3cwo wrote

Let me put it to you this way: you know all those "conservatives" who believe Trump is also a conservative? Yeah. Thats analogous to what libertarianism has become. Are there true conservatives and/or libertarians? Definitely. Is the mainstream and prevalent "ideology" of those groups, in effect, actually grounded in and reflecting back the 19th century (or prior) philosophy that made for their political foundation? No.


Howtobefreaky t1_j7s1pt7 wrote

Not really, thats just the reality of mainstream modern libertarianism. If all libertarians really did adhere to Mill's philosophy, they wouldn't be nearly the laughing stock of political ideologies that they are today.


Howtobefreaky t1_j7rhvlh wrote

This is some libertarianism-ass stuff here. It doesn't work in practice. People are not rational or inherently moral creatures. A person who decides that they have no limit and it affects others in a negative way is inherently violating another's liberty. This doesn't pass the smell test.


Howtobefreaky t1_j2biv8q wrote

Maybe not the first but Death Wish certainly predates it.

My criteria for this question: characters that aren't cops, characters that aren't in a Hitchock movie (North by Northwest isn't a typical or even prototypical action movie), no cowboys (since these are by definition not modern day "every man")

The funny thing about Death Wish is that Willis ended up starring in the remake that I heard was very bad.