Hyceanplanet OP t1_j1i2eyp wrote
Reply to comment by Wrong_Treats in Best movie theater? by Hyceanplanet
I won't even say that the original's plot was bad -- I've read much about it. Seems imaginative SciFi. And, probably, to people who saw the first one without knowledge of what the plot was, the awesome sense of surprise will be missing from the second one.
I'm just personally burned out a bit from Cameron's flat plotlines -- though I enjoyed them at the time.
But, who knows, I might change my mind after seeing Avatar 2. Probably, in retrospect, I would have gone to a theater in Sept to see the re-release of Avatar 1. Will never get that chance again to see if remastered on a big screen.
Apparently there are lots of dangling plot lines in Avatar 2 which are cleared up in the later sequels that have already been written, and that's bound to be frustrating.
Hyceanplanet OP t1_j1hdu5r wrote
Reply to comment by SkateAndEnjoi in Best movie theater? by Hyceanplanet
I may do this. I'll see it locally and, when I have to do a NYC run, I might drive, and take the train from there (I avoid driving into the city.) Would be interesting to compare the two versions.
Can't wait too long -- who knows how long movies stay in theaters now, and Avatar is getting the premier room in each of the multiplexes for now.
Depends on whether I can stand to see the plot a second time. I had no interest in seeing the first Avatar, including when it was re-released in Sept.
Hyceanplanet OP t1_j1ge085 wrote
Reply to comment by catsmash in Best movie theater? by Hyceanplanet
>North Haven Cinemark
I had no idea this theater chain reinvented itself to this degree.
I looked up their investor presentation to get more information:
I wonder if James Cameron is getting new people, like me, more interested in which theaters have upgraded their technology, and if so, which technology.
Here's where Cinemark describes the different theater styles they have:
Hyceanplanet OP t1_iveqevc wrote
Reply to comment by hamhead in new haven state street to NYC schedule by Hyceanplanet
Thanks for the shuttle idea -- particularly useful on the return, when it's harder to coordinate.
Any idea where to find more information -- this is all I can find:
Hyceanplanet t1_iu43sy6 wrote
Misfire in Russia's diplomatic strategy -- this enerergizes support in Ireland for active help in Ukraine.
Hyceanplanet t1_it9an8t wrote
>has also blogged that COVID-19 vaccines are associated with reproductive harm. No recognized medical body has substantiated that claim, which is oft repeated in anti-vaccine circles. Nass has also described the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a “criminal agency.”
She only got suspended for 30 days after two+ years of this shit.
Hyceanplanet OP t1_j1zgzv2 wrote
Reply to comment by curbthemeplays in Best movie theater? by Hyceanplanet