As someone who refuses to read and watch prequels, I’m with you on this. They’re always poorly made if they’re made with pre existing characters. Takes all the suspense out.

The only prequel movie or book I can think of that I liked was Rogue One, and that is probably because the leads were all new characters.


INTHEMIDSTOFLIONS t1_it82zmr wrote

Mostly because movies and tv shows are so sexed up or just have over the top drama.

I like blockbuster action movies, but that’s about it, when it comes to all other genres I prefer literature. If I have to see another bleak Scifi movie about how dangerous space is, I’m going to lose my mind. I’d rather read about progress in humans expansions (like cold as ice, or the expanse, etc).

But even the expanse tv show was too much sexual tension, too dramatic, and idk. I didn’t like the show. I like the books though.



Thanks! I appreciate the feedback.

Tbh, I may not be emotionally able to finish the book at this time. I get really heavy political anxiety especially around midterms, and I was so stressed reading the book last night I had to take 0.25mg of my Xanax prescription.

I don’t want to just stick my head in the sand with emotionally difficult material, but man this sounds like such a stressful environment to live in (Oceania).

I have had to quit books due to being too dark in the past (a game of thrones, and American psycho for example). I think understanding how things came to be helps me cope better with understanding why things are the way they are, as opposed to just being in the dark the whole book.

That’s why comments like “it doesn’t matter, read the book” aren’t necessarily helpful, bc I don’t know if I want to finish the book if it’s going to be too much. If that makes sense.
