
I_likeIceSheets t1_itw391e wrote

I'm (slightly) more in the realm of climate (paleoclimate and glaciers are more my thing). There's no specific time. It's more of a spectrum of fcked than a threshold of fcked ... if that makes sense. While there are physical thresholds in the climate system, like with ice sheets and the biosphere, how we're impacted isn't concrete.

Here's what I tell people: the longer we delay action, the worse the climate crisis will get. It means two things that are very important to understand:

  1. The climate crisis will get worse if actions are not taken. Life will increasingly become more uncomfortable and certain weather events will become more dangerous/deadly. It won't be the end of the world or life as we know it, but it will be fucked.

  2. We can always prevent the worst from happening. By taking action now or later, we can make the climate crisis less fcked in the future. Though some things might not be reversed, we can still make a things better relative to what they could be.

One more thing: everywhere is a climate sensitive area. Be prepared.