
t1_jeauzr2 wrote

If you're eligible for the exclusion and know that you don't want to own it forever then get it sold and laugh all the way to the bank with those tax-free gains. If you try to time the market you may be forced to sell for less in a year to get it done before the clock runs out.


t1_jae8bbr wrote

Absolutely not. You can borrow money for a house (and just about anything else while you're working) but you can't take a loan for retirement.


>I'm just thinking my rent money gains me absolutely nothing. Its a full net loss.

That's not true. It buys you housing.

>Whereas my 401k(all index funds) will return what like 10% at best per year over my lifetime?

Which adds up to a LOT of money by the time you retire.

>I'm spending 20k/year on rent, so why not just take the 401k hit but actually contribute to a mortgage instead of just pissing money away in rent?

Rent isn't just 'pissing money away' and houses have a lot of costs that will also feel like you get nothing for, like taxes, insurance, maintenance and repairs, etc, etc.


t1_j6nhpfy wrote

I know you want to help your father but you can't handle this for him. The best thing to do would be to hook him up with a tax professional and for him to do what they say needs done. It sounds like he's picked Optima, so now he needs to work with them and it's on him to understand his options and what they're doing on his behalf.


t1_iya1r9z wrote

I'm used to responding to posts here saying that their debt doesn't warrant bankruptcy. That they need a strict budget and to knuckle down and struggle through so they never make this mistake again.

But you're 31 years old with about your annual take-home pay in high interest credit card debt. You should talk to a bankruptcy lawyer and see if it makes sense for your situation.


t1_iuifvh7 wrote

There are two separate issues here.


The first is the immediate issue with the lease. See if your lease allows you to sublet and roommates might be an option. Also talk to your landlord about what it would take to get out of the lease early so that you can find something you can afford.


The second issue is the divorce and marital property. You need a divorce lawyer right now. Seriously. Immediately. In the meantime document everything. Your wife can't just drain the accounts and leave the state. It's very likely that at least half that money is yours. Depending on where you are and how long you were married you might be entitled to some of her retirement savings or even spousal support as well. Call a lawyer.