
IlluminatiRex t1_jdkgn9g wrote

> I didn't even include other items in Fairfield County or New Haven County.)

Even in Eastern CT there's a bunch to do, I feel like what people often mean when they say there's "nothing to do" they mean like clubs and nightlife? IDK, that's always generally the vibe I get.


IlluminatiRex t1_ja3v1cm wrote

> You’re also neglecting the “War Guilt Clause”

A misrepresentation of what it says. It was establishing the legal framework for a treaty with Germany (so yeah it's going to mention Germany), nor does it "solely blame" Germany. It in fact says "Germany and her Allies" while the other treaties with the Central Powers use the same language except with nations swapped around, for instance "Austria and her Allies" or "Hungary and her Allies".


IlluminatiRex t1_ja3efgb wrote

> The reparations Germany had to pay as stated in the treaty of Versailles was a infeasible amount of money

The treaty didn't stipulate any amounts to be paid, that was from a later commission.

The amounts determined weren't onerous, and instead based on Germany's capacity to pay. A lot of it was to be paid in in-kind goods for, surprise, literally destroying the industry of Belgium and North Eastern France, looting, etc...

Scholars today no longer view the treaty as having been "onerous" or that the reparations were "infeasible". Sally Marks was one of the first historians to make those arguments, and it has been strengthened by the work of later writers such as Margaret Macmillan and Adam Tooze.