
ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_japu4uo wrote

>Yes, we do know that.

Sure when you use weasel wording like "huge proportion" which is subjective and not quantifiable.


But I guess you weren't expecting a filthy dirty backwards racist bigot Christian to be intellectual so I forgive you for trying to cop out the easy way.


ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_jam89m3 wrote

>Unfortunately , a huge proportion of your religion does.

You 1. Do not know that at all and 2. You have no way of quantifying that. You're only taking in to account the loud ones you hear (who we ALL can't stand) that fit your bias against either religion as a whole or Christianity in specific. Please don't try to argue otherwise, and please spare me your "unfortunately" 's


ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_j83s03n wrote

Are you incapable of reading? He never once said he was outside the law nor did he act like being ticketed was wrong. He was scared because it's his FIRST TICKET, which implies he's on the younger side, and getting a first ticket especially for speeding in another state can be very stressful to someone just starting out.

Stop being an e-badass. It tells people you're a miserable person and probably have much more problems than the person you're shitting on.


ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_j5lyij5 wrote

No one hates picturesque, cherry picked photos.

People hate digging their cars out, TWICE in a single day, terrible roads that the State didn't treat properly in advance, idiot drivers, falling on your back, bitter winds etc. etc. etc.


People who "love" this shit are either unemployed, school aged children, or work from home.


ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_iypvqrf wrote

It is a very good idea to do so.


Unscrupulous folk will resell your old plates if you left them and a few years later you'll start getting notices about fines and penalties in places you've never driven in in your life.

Ask me how I know.


"Turn in" might be the law technically, but apparently it's not really enforced, so at least keep the plates. Just don't leave them on your vehicle, whether you're selling it drivable or selling to a junkyard after getting totaled.