
ImaginarySector366 OP t1_ja6ksgp wrote

🤣🤣 I thought the same like what do they want. Try switching to margin account and deposit $2000+, you don’t have to use Margin if you have money anyway but I guess they want Margin accounts for options level 2. I guess they like it that way.

I honestly still don’t see logic behind their regulations. But someone said that to prevent lawsuits etc., which is weird? Imagine suing them, oh you approved me for options without experience and I am poor and as a regard I lost on options I am suing you give me my money back 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Who makes Regulations and accept lawsuits like that, man.


ImaginarySector366 OP t1_ja61ulp wrote

Exactly. So they’re fine with higher accounts risking money on options but not okay with smaller accounts risking money on options.

Regardless, it’s my money, and if I don’t understand options well it’s my loss. I don’t get what their criteria is. I wanna know how do they decide?


ImaginarySector366 OP t1_iujzjrw wrote

Reply to comment by GoingKerm in Advice needed! by ImaginarySector366

I swear man that Friday was insane man. Everyone yolo 100s thousands and more on puts. I was like no this call is the right call. And I made a limit order that was going to execute it opened at the price that I was going for. If I just submit it man. 2000% that’s like what lottery ticket.