neothedreamer t1_j9w8yk6 wrote
Reply to Well, at least 2022 was good to someone: Chief Executive Officer Steve Schwarzman took home a record $1.27 billion for 2022 by cannainform2
This is super misleading. The $1B in dividends is not part of his comp plan. This is what he earns as an investor. This is no different than any other rich investor earning a shit ton in dividends from a large investment.
I would love to see the break down of the incentive fees and cut of profit. My guess is his investors are more than willing to give him a split of profit if their return is higher that the benchmark by a significant enough amount.
neothedreamer t1_iy8uddm wrote
Reply to comment by That-Whereas3367 in Tech's reality check: How the industry lost $7.4 trillion in one year by Fatherthinger
I don't know about that AAPL IPO'ed in 1980, MSFT in 1986, AMZN 1997 all are older than 20 years and part of Top 10 in S&P.
neothedreamer t1_iy74e33 wrote
I see downside in Aapl in the next 12 months but total collapse in 24 months, naw I don't see it.
I absolutely love my MacBook Pro not even a question. They hold up so much better than Windows Laptops. 2 of my kids switched to iPhone. It isn't going anywhere.
neothedreamer t1_iy6u1ej wrote
Reply to comment by felio77 in Blackberry $BB Elon by Worried_Cow_1052
Wish it was at $26 after my CC expire.
neothedreamer t1_iy6l0ep wrote
Reply to comment by Primary_Syrup_6412 in Apple by Joe_mother124
That is a little aggressive. People are still buying dips in Blue Chips so that will cause it to not drop very fast.
$135 by EOY is entirely possible.
neothedreamer t1_iy6b0ih wrote
Reply to comment by ariphron in Blackberry $BB Elon by Worried_Cow_1052
I wish BB was at $6.....
neothedreamer t1_iy5rp8r wrote
Reply to comment by That-Whereas3367 in Tech's reality check: How the industry lost $7.4 trillion in one year by Fatherthinger
This is true, however people DCA into their retirement accounts will probably be sitting on those positions for decades so there will be ample time for normal growth in the underlying business and stock price.
The last 2.5 years were not normal in any way.
neothedreamer t1_iy5qld8 wrote
Reply to comment by Lil-Goth-Wolf in Going into December be like... by xitdevpo
Sriracha on Raman.
neothedreamer t1_iy2cnau wrote
Reply to comment by qwertyWarrior77 in Tech's reality check: How the industry lost $7.4 trillion in one year by Fatherthinger
This. Saying a bunch of money has been lost from an artificial high end of last year is ridiculous.
neothedreamer t1_ixgallg wrote
Reply to comment by WetEconomics in FEW MILLION DOLLAR SHORT POSITION ON MARGIN. UPDATED POSITIONING. by MikasalsTheBestWaifu
Cat is hitting the same resistance is has 2x in the last year plus. When the bear rally stalls Cat is coming back down.
neothedreamer t1_iujzaor wrote
Reply to Advice needed! by ImaginarySector366
Dude. You are gambling. Stop now.
0DTE are absolutely gambling.
Just start buying SPY and let it sit for decades otherwise you will just keep losing everything you put in.
neothedreamer t1_iuc47zh wrote
Reply to comment by KingN0 in Even an Inside Trader Would Have Problems in This Market by KingN0
Aapl's numbers were at expectations which given the market is actually good. They also raised prices for their services and have maintained their Pro models are selling well.
Aapl is #1 in the S&P and Nasdaq. Also huge holding for Berkshire. If you don't think all of this creates a constant buying pressure for Aapl you are crazy. 7 to 8% of every dollar going into 401k is going to Aapl.
Everyone still has full confidence in them. Meta was destroyed because of loss of confidence.
Sometimes if too many people think it is going a certain way it doesn't. Think of how much money was made by Puts sellers, there was an incentive to prop it up.
neothedreamer t1_jaei6kp wrote
Reply to comment by VisualMod in S&P 500 analysis. by hummmduno
AI talking to itself now.... Yikes....