Inayaarime t1_j733nw3 wrote
Reply to comment by Matt1050 in [Image] The choice is yours. by yadavhimanshu961
It's Leviosa, not leviosaaah!
Inayaarime t1_j732u9r wrote
Reply to comment by davegisme in Netflix Deletes New Password Sharing Rules, Claims They Were Posted in Error by echosayswhat
>slip in a slightly altered version in a month or so to less of an outcry when people feel more apathetic towards it
This 100%. Anybody should know this strategy by now.. it's been done millions of times before, and it's going to be done a million more.. because IT WORKS. It's sad.
Inayaarime t1_jeck7yv wrote
Reply to comment by ClothesOdd2973 in local chic fil a with some casual cannibalism by Larrymentalboy
Don't. It'll just end up in the food