
InfamousCelery4438 t1_j68anm0 wrote

Because California was short of potatoes, due to the drought conditions at the time. So in terms of climate change, they are also going to have to look at growing crops that don't require huge amounts of irrigation. Buying Maine potatoes isn't going to sustain them in the long run. Almonds also require a ton of water, and I believe they are a big deal out there. It's not just a local issue, potatoes.


InfamousCelery4438 t1_j6802fq wrote

I agree that climate change is scary. I've observed that many people just don't have the bandwidth to address the issues on a daily basis, because they are super busy just trying to work, provide for their families, and deal with the stresses that regular life throws at you. I don't fault anyone for not taking up the reins: we all have our calling, and they might have something equally important to do, or sick relatives, worries about the cost of gas, heating oil, and food.

So how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, as the saying goes. I tend to look for articles on how various people in Maine and around the world are addressing the issues, but only when I have the time and energy. I do agree that it's a complex issue, and I also get frustrated with my elected officials, because it seems like a lot of hot air is being spewed out, enough to heat my house at times!

One article I read, about the potato farming business, said that heavy rainstorms, as opposed to smaller and gentler rain, is washing away the topsoil, so universities and farmers are exploring ways to address it. I think Maine ended up sending potatoes to California last year? Which was interesting. My Dad used to be let out of school every Fall, to help bring in the potato harvest. He made 10 cents a bushel. Times are changing, life is shorter than we think, and I applaud you for caring.


InfamousCelery4438 t1_j54qa3s wrote

If anyone is struggling with egg prices, check your local food pantry. They might have excess eggs they need to get rid of, due to the date. Older eggs make for better hard boiled eggs, that is, easier to peel.