
InfiniteJessica t1_je5qdsq wrote

I have one from when I was 18 and was considering another one. 623 Tattoo in Watertown met my basic standards. I don't know what you're getting, but they seemed nice. I considered getting a mental health-related tattoo and then decided against it. They immediately returned my deposit. Josh and Courtney were the ones who I spoke to:


InfiniteJessica t1_je2x77i wrote

Did you check on Massachusetts state PFL? I got onto that 3 months into a new job, because I had been paying into it at my previous Massachusetts job.

Sorry, just reread. Ugh! That’s super sucky. Part of why people get into nonprofits is the benefits, and they’re supposed to act like humans.


InfiniteJessica t1_j1lyymu wrote

This so perfectly exemplifies Boston. I have a next-door neighbor who’s never really talked to me. I did talk to him once when he grabbed my dogs as they were trying to escape to thank him. I invited him and his wife over for dinner with my husband and me he declined but yesterday his fence fell down and he made sure to text me so we could move our car completely out of the way and promised to make as little disturbance as possible fixing it Monday.

Not super friendly, but responsible and courteous .