
ItisyouwhosaythatIam t1_j78o2hq wrote

It seems to me the only principle underlying is that of self preservation. People have figured out that social groups prolong life for the individual - as long as they - despite what they must profess - continue to cover their own asses, first. It is the biggest lie around, that half or more aren't willing to put the good of the many ahead of their own interests, but they pretend that they do.


ItisyouwhosaythatIam t1_j775fr8 wrote

Listen to "Know Your Rights" by The Clash. They sum it up beautifully. Rights are not consistently nor equitably upheld or defended anyplace on earth or anytime throughout history. Richer, better connected people are more likely to get what they want from the system - period. The rest is just philosophy. Individual philosophy has never, anywhere, been more powerful than wealth or weapons. Collectively, people can achieve anything - with or without philosophy.


ItisyouwhosaythatIam t1_iwyzrlm wrote

First. Good point. I used the word "science" in place of "relevant school of academic study."

Cars and swimming pools ARE regulated for public safety. You need a four foot high fence around a pool. You need to pass 2 competency tests to get a drivers' license. You are required to wear a safety belt and not be under the influence of drugs. Now, we need laws that keep the most deadly weapons away from the most deadly people. It works everywhere else.

There is no data on the health of slave owners, especially because they were just rich people. Any rich person without slaves would live as long. Safe, legal abortion is better for society by every measure. Forcing poor women to have children they don't want just increases child poverty and crime and lowers education levels and life expectancies.

I didn't say "ethnic homogeneity" - you did. I'm talking about conservative bigotry and xenophobia manifest in the GQP immigration policy of "Let them die, but don't let them in!" We need better immigration policy, but the GQP keeps blocking it. We need the labor. They need work. Why lock them out? They aren't statistically more criminal. They are often the best citizens, and near half of them vote Republican. People are all equal. Who cares if America changes languages? Or if our culture becomes more hispanic? Doesn't that mean the people with the most merit were those you wanted to keep out?

Honestly, this is way more of my valuable time than you are worth. I won't be responding to you again.


ItisyouwhosaythatIam t1_iwkv2wk wrote

You can Google all these topics yourself for the proof.

Cutting taxes to grow the economy and increase tax revenue has never worked. It only increased the debt every time it's been tried. Likewise, trickle-down economics has no historical success. Whereas government economic stimulus given to the poor has proven effective, because they put it all into the economy by spending it.

More guns create more gun related crime and death, while gun restrictions have reduced them, historically.

Societies with legal safe abortion have better health outcomes for women and longer life expectancies.

Climate change has been proven to be caused by humans and needs to be addressed for the existential crisis that it is.

The big governments of socialist democracies in Scandinavia and Northern Europe report happier people because they are free from worry living in an interdependent society that provides the necessary Healthcare and Education that are bankrupting people here and enable entrepreneurs there.

Teaching our children the truth about our mistakes has created a generation of young people more engaged with their government ( recent voting turnout) who are motivated to stop making the mistakes of the past. It is a limited number of partisan parents and pundits who are worried about what the facts mean.

Isolationist immigration or economic policies have only worsened social and economic outcomes as measured by happiness and growth.

American policing has given us a record incarceration rate for people of color who are racially profiled. The system needs science based reform, not more of the same failed policies.

Any other issues of importance that I left out?