IwishIcouldBeWitty t1_jeasnz8 wrote
Reply to comment by shor_yuken in Four bankers who helped Putin’s friend set up Swiss bank account convicted by BezugssystemCH1903
We already know your grandma was the town bicycle....
IwishIcouldBeWitty t1_jearnoc wrote
Reply to comment by cah11 in Four bankers who helped Putin’s friend set up Swiss bank account convicted by BezugssystemCH1903
You're not getting the concept. I'm sorry I did a poor job explaining it.
Money's fake. It's made of paper. It has no true value. You can maybe light it on fire and gain some heat from it. It's actually uses are very limited.
What you explain to me was how money evolved to exist in the first place. Yes we all had to agree on the price of something and that's how money came about. Thanks for the history lesson that I already understand.
But listen to this. Im going to continue to say money is worthless. What is money backed in. It used to be backed in gold and other precious metals or other precious items I should say. But who determined the value of these precious metals and items as well. Back in the day. Why was gold so valued?? It's a weak metal? It only looks pretty kind of... It doesn't rust so that's nice.... But there aren't a lot of practical uses for gold either other than.... It looks good. So why do we have the gold standard or at least used to have the gold standard? All this was agreed upon by rich people in the past who had all the gold and set the standards. It was based off of people wanting that rare metal and willing to exchange other goods for it.
All we have to just do as a society is say Bitcoin is our new currency f*** the American dollar and everybody's dollars in the bank would be absolutely worthless. Are you not understanding now what I'm trying to get at??
Money doesn't matter. Only assets matter. And when it comes to assets, only assets that can return a positive yield matter. So gold and other precious metals. Probably not so much. Well gold is getting more valuable as days goes on because we use it in electronics now but back in the day they didn't do that. When they decided gold was really expensive they didn't have electricity. I did it solely on supply versus demand because it looked pretty and there's not a lot of it.
If you're trapped on an island with all this money and another person but the other person has knowledge about how to survive and you don't. Who's going to survive? you with all the money or the person who knows how to survive but can only sustain themselves? Surely they're not going to accept your worthless money on this island where they can't spend it. So who has the power in that situation? The person with the money or the person with the knowledge? F*** what if you had money but they woke up 6 hours before you and collected all the food on the island? Who has the power then the one with the money or the one with the food?? Everything is circumstantial, you don't get it. We allow them to have power because we allow them to. We are sheep get it through your head? Actually, if you can't understand this concept, you are quite the genetically modified sheep like you are so domesticated it's not even funny. And yes I did. Just refer to human as a domesticated animal.
Shall we talk about the arbitrary laws that lock up breeding males during their prime breeding ages?? Specifically, males that are you know not fully domesticated to our society. Then if we think a bigger picture about genetics and eugenics and whatnot and how we domesticated regular livestock if all these males of breading age are locked up. They won't breed and pass on that non-compliant genetic material. Whereas the good little compliant boys will be out free passing on their genetic material and their "nurturing" bringing up their children to be just as naive and stupid as themselves.
IwishIcouldBeWitty t1_jeao3dp wrote
Reply to comment by yolkadot in Four bankers who helped Putin’s friend set up Swiss bank account convicted by BezugssystemCH1903
Because a lot of people in this country falsely believe that the laws were created by the people for the people.
When we know that people in Congress aren't actually people their lizard people. Therefore, the laws aren't created by the people for the people they're created by the lizard people to control the rest of the other people. And they are voted on by all the other lizard people. With the impression that these other lizard people represent the populations consensus. The time and time again shows that they vote against their communities wishes. Because we are not a true democracy, we are still feudism basically. Our elected nobles make the decision for us. They don't care what our opinion truly is. Especially if they are backed by their party.
America is very much so a class society. We're just too dumb to realize. Who runs for office typically and get elected. Rich people people that can afford advertising to spread their name about. All it takes is a little bit of knowledge. They don't even have to be a good stance. Americans will vote for a name that they recognize cuz they saw it on TV. It's crazy.
IwishIcouldBeWitty t1_jeamq9t wrote
Reply to comment by Transfer_McWindow in Four bankers who helped Putin’s friend set up Swiss bank account convicted by BezugssystemCH1903
The best part is, in the in the moment.. money has no real value.
There's a quote from the Netflix series The last Kingdom. I forget what season but the queen was basically going on the lines of what true power actually is. She goes off about how she's weak and how she could easily be killed. If you look in history, a lot of the most powerful people are assassinated by weak individuals. Showing that weak individual can take out even the most powerful. (Think Lincoln / jfk... Etc).
The oligarchs keep forgetting, and so do we, that we the people the general population, have all the power and money means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Example: If we can learn to work together on a bartering system again, the whole idea of money would go away and these people would have zero power. We give them the power. Why we do that? I do not know because we are dumb.
IwishIcouldBeWitty t1_jeb07ft wrote
Reply to comment by cah11 in Four bankers who helped Putin’s friend set up Swiss bank account convicted by BezugssystemCH1903
I don't know why you think I'm trying to come up with a solution.
I'm not trying to solve any problem or even insinuate that I'm solving a problem. I am simply pointing out concepts. You're the one applying these concepts as solutions. I'm merely pointing out the fact that money is fake and arbitrary and so is power. Where are we solving something. Im merely pointing out the fact that people assume rich people are powerful, because they've acquired a lot of wealth but in the grand scheme of things money means nothing and it's not a true indicator of power.
You are the one over here taking this concept and applying it saying that we should get rid of money and whatnot. I just made the point that we could go to a bartering system and get rid of money and rich people would have no power anymore. You got hung up on the back to a bordering system. It's going to be really difficult and the prices will be arbitrary which was the exact point that I was making with money being arbitrary in itself.
You're the one getting hung up and continuing to argue about things that are off topic, then you claim to understand the concept that I'm trying to make. Yet You're talking right past me because you're applying the concept when I'm not applying the concept im merely getting it out to people who don't fully understand it cuz not everyone understands this concept.