
Jadty t1_j5w8ons wrote

Not much you could have done on the internet back then. Text sites only, pictures, barely any video and had to download it. It’s almost uncanny to think the internet is about 30-ish years old in the hands of consumers, and went from tech novelty to transforming our way of life completely.

I think AI is gonna be the same thing 30 years from now. It is currently in the novelty stage for the consumer side with more professional uses being prominent. It won’t be long until AI does many practical everyday things better than us, and it starts becoming part of your everyday life, for example if self driving becomes 99.999% better than a human in all situations. Traffic will look like a sci fi ballet you see in movies doing crazy shit by all by itself and interconnected, knowing where every other car is going and plotting the best route for each car. You could have AI only driving areas and mixed areas if you wanna drive yourself once in a while. Highways might turn into AI driving only except for maybe emergency vehicles and law enforcement.

Also no more greasy keyboards.