
Jeww_Chainz t1_j2ff5md wrote

Interesting observation which I can see why you feel this way. I would personally classify this behavior you are noticing as a northeast culture thing where people walk with a purpose and not so lackadaisical vs being aggressively anti-social. I walk a lot through the city and I would agree that many walkers (lots probably tourists) do not pay attention to their surroundings (i.e. texting and walking, zig zagging on the sidewalk, or or walking slowly/stopping in the middle of the sidewalk making it difficult for a faster walker to pass by). I would also say that you would expect a city like dc to have drivers that are extra careful and safe due to the abundance of pedestrians and bikers; however that is the opposite of the way people drive here. Drivers in the city are absolutely horrible, and pedestrians are probably not considering the unsafe behaviors of drivers when they walk.


Jeww_Chainz t1_j29a2dp wrote

A family sized box of cheezitz is about $2 cheaper at the Walmart vs Safeway. Similar story with a lot of other groceries.


Jeww_Chainz t1_j256zoz wrote

DC department of transportation/motor vehicles really doesn’t give a shit about its residents and trying to serve them. All they care about is taking any opportunity to get money from people no matter if what they are doing is fair. They also have no one reasonable working in these departments to communicate any issues or gaps in their policies. Sorry for your troubles. I feel your pain.