
JimBones31 t1_j9172vz wrote

So after seeing all the weather maps of the gases and chemicals floating up into the atmosphere and towards new England, where do you think the rain is getting contaminated from?

Again, if you don't want to acknowledge that the shit falling out of the sky is the same shit that flew into the sky upwind of us...that's fine.


JimBones31 t1_j89xbng wrote

Reply to comment by SarahDrish in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort

The discussion is about dogs. I have actually seen people attack each other and have not seen a dog attack a person. If you want to be asinine then I suppose I've also never seen a horse, cow, pig, or roach attack a person.

Enjoy your smoldering rage. I'll enjoy animals and civility 🤷✌️