
Jo_yEAh t1_j0d5gkc wrote

I've often seen people stating that life is not fair to them and that the odds are stacked against them. I've never been one to say that life is fair. If you accept life is not fair and work within the true confines of life you will do better than to simply complain that life has nothing to offer. You are acting as though people are truly hopeless, with no control over themselves. At any point you can do something to move towards peace and happiness. Again, you will not get there immediately, it may not be exactly as you thought. But you can incrementally make things better. On average this approach will lead to a better life than doubting change and dismissing any hint of optimism. Even the most broken down person can have a change of heart if they are truly ready.


Jo_yEAh t1_j0cmqvl wrote

Five years ago I would have fully agreed. I’ve spent many days wondering “why me” and staring at the ceiling. I don’t know your circumstances and don’t mean to down play them. But I think we always have the ability to make our situation better. Not always perfect, not always ideal, but better.

I don’t mean to dismiss your feelings, but at the same point I would like to offer a glimmer of light. Some people need that. If you can’t resonate with that, I’m sorry. I wish you the best and eventual peace and prosperity.


Jo_yEAh t1_j0bykwa wrote

You can learn to use your mind in ways that make you more happy. You can learn to use your mind in a way that you are more grateful. Just because you haven't doesn't mean you can claim that no-one can do this.

You then use a biological condition 'cancer' to try to make the point that we can't change our emotions. Our emotions are not the same as our biology. It's easier to control your emotions with the right patterns and processes than it is to reverse genetics and control biology.

You seem to be on your high horse. The abundance mindset is a real mental change you can make in which you change the lens you see the world through as one with more opportunity. A new perspective does not mean illusion. Much like someone else might look at a problem you have and be able to provide advice or insight that you had not previously thought of. Their standpoint was not imaginary, it just wasn't one that you held. Similarly, if you can change your natural vantage point towards problems in life and opportunity in your life - you can take up a new energy and attitude in general. I know firsthand and have watched others do the same, don't tell me it can't be done.

There will always be people who have grown and evolved into peaceful abundant mindset. And then there will always be another group throwing stones saying it is woo woo and impossible. I hate to be cliché, and I know this will trigger some. But which pill do you want to take.