
Justaperson3565 t1_ja76g8r wrote

“How the hell did we wind up here?” I heard Ky’s voice echoing from down the hall. “Look,” Kolby began “Jagthaer already explained this..”

“Where the hell is Rose?” Erik yelled, worry etching his voice. “She was with us, I saw her right before they whisked each of us off.” Em’s voice soothing as ever. “I’m right here Erik, you always worry too much. This form took a bit of getting used to.” I say as I walked into the giant chamber.

I watched as they collectively turned and I swear Erik’s jaw hit the floor, which is quite the feat since he’s a centaur now. “Yes, I’m a fae. Look, I know it might seem odd, but I didn’t want the ‘mature’ version of myself if it was going to come with the messed up body. I always wanted to fly, and they’re tiny, so easily missed. Perfect solution, especially for a spell caster!”

Kolby as always was the logical one “That makes sense, but you know you’re perfect the way you are.” I looked at Kolby with their androgynous elven features. “Oh god Kolby, I know you’re so happy right now!!” Kolby blushed and dipped their head down, but not before I saw the huge grin on their face.

I looked around the room, Ky being Ky, he went for a more mature version of himself, but extremely muscular. “Ky, look at you! Oh how handsome you are!” Ky’s had a shit-eating grin as he looked at me and winked “Damn right I am!” I laughed at him, shocked at the delicate tinkle of my laughter. “The hell?!”

Em laughed at my my response, her muscular little body reminding me of a gymnast. “You may have kept your voice, but apparently your laugh wasn’t ‘fae’ enough.” Erik started chuckling, his front hooves slapping down on the ground as he laughed.

“Erik! You’re going to bring the place down, you got to remember to use your arms, not your front hooves!!” Erik always had a penchant for slapping his hands on his thighs or the table in front of him when he laughed too hard.

“Can you believe our little D&D party wound up in another galaxy becoming actual heroes?” Kolby asked, their face radiating with joy. “Holy shit Kolby, you know you’re the leader, just like you’re the DM in our world!” Erik blurted. Ky looked at Kolby and grinned, “You always did have that sexy brain for coming up with ideas!”

“Well, I DID assume you would all choose the classes and tasks your party had in your ‘game’ on our world.” Jagthaer boomed as he approached us. “Kolby is quite the exceptional leader, and thinks quickly on the spot, I believe they will best fit as a spellcaster, since they technically have no class as the DM. Your choice, of course. Erik, with all your loud gusto, you have a level head and quickly analyze the situation, guiding your fellow melee warriors. Em, your quiet strength and blessed heals make you the perfect paladin. Ky, you’re quite the warrior, knowing exactly when to rage, and always choosing the perfect moment.” After this, Jagthaer turned to me.

“As for you Rose, you always seem to have one last spell up your sleeve. You worry too much. I would’ve made your body whole if you chose your human version. I know you’re the ‘mom’ of the group, and worry about holding everyone back if you falter, or fall. Your support, guidance, and encouragement makes this group, and holds it together. Worry not. But how do you like those wings?” I grinned at Jagthaer and flitted over. “Let go kick Zeus’s ass!”

Y’all don’t be harsh lol. This is my first time writing, and I imagined it literally how it would play out with my friends. I know it’s a bit “chatty”, forgive me.