
KGBFriedChicken02 t1_jefokl7 wrote

Everyone's morals are subjective lmao, it's phillosophy, it's subjective by definition. Eating meat is part of nature. We may take it to an extreme, but if it was so reprehensable and evil, i'd argue it wouldn't happen in nature.

What's fucked up is our lack of respect for the food we eat. The waste, the cruelty of factory farming, that part of it.


KGBFriedChicken02 t1_j1dqrgq wrote

Roman swords were also smaller than medieval swords, and meant for quick, close quarters, shove and stab combat. Even in movies and shows, they like to show roman legionnaires dueling, slashing with their swords, parrying and cutting.

The reality is the roman heavy infantry was a machine. The line moved forward. The enemy were presented with a wall of wood and iron and leather as the Legionnaires shoved forward with their shields, moving in to press up against their enemies. This restricted the space, making it difficult for the enemy to wield swords or axes or spears in the tight quarters. The small gaps in the shield wall were used to strike the enemy, the gladius' design was perfect for close up thrusting attacks. They'd simply shove and stab until the enemy were wiped out or broke and ran, advancing slowly all the while. Anyone who was simply woulded or knocked over would be trampled by the advancing shield wall, or dispatched by the men in the back ranks.