Kalappianer t1_jac0a2p wrote
Reply to comment by Consider2SidesPeace in found an MNM with the Letter "L" and in the shape of a Turd. by SilentOne1994
Lort means shit in Danish.
Kalappianer t1_j6k4qbw wrote
Reply to comment by Bernieisbabyyoda in Ice formed like blades of grass outside today by Bernieisbabyyoda
Wow, I am learning two new things about frost! And I'm from Greenland lol.
Kalappianer t1_j6k1bsq wrote
Reply to comment by Bernieisbabyyoda in Ice formed like blades of grass outside today by Bernieisbabyyoda
Frost heave is swollen soil.
Aren't these frost flowers?
Kalappianer t1_j690oy9 wrote
Reply to comment by IrishCowboah in I accidentally left a horse chestnut in my car 3 months ago and it germinated by IrishCowboah
They are easy... Also, luckily easy to remove, otherwise I would have hundreds of them. They're a bitch to have in a garden.
Kalappianer t1_j68s6uz wrote
Reply to They make compostable milk box now. by MewLalouve
It's odd to see "Nordic" used differently...
Kalappianer t1_j37zki9 wrote
Kalappianer t1_j36q5ay wrote
Reply to TIL of execution by Breaking Wheel that would start with tying the body to a wheel, breaking the bones of the limbs, braiding the broken limbs through the spokes and leaving the body to be eaten by scavenging animals and birds. by muadib1974
Oh... my... god. I've used "radbrækket" without actually knowing the origin!
Kalappianer t1_iyc30bw wrote
Reply to comment by PersonHuman08 in The various colors of this rock by Admirable_Stand_6891
I just did...
Kalappianer t1_iyc188o wrote
Reply to comment by PersonHuman08 in The various colors of this rock by Admirable_Stand_6891
You could make a joke about OP touching grass, but still haven't learned the difference between rocks and composite organisms.
Kalappianer t1_iyc0b3y wrote
Reply to The various colors of this rock by Admirable_Stand_6891
Those are lichen.
Kalappianer t1_iy9qo98 wrote
Reply to comment by sanitation123 in TIL modern day horses evolved from Eohipppus, a 12 inch tall animal from North America. It had 4 toes on its front feet and 3 toes on the hinds as well as large canine teeth. by sanitation123
Eohippus has only two p's, not three.
Kalappianer t1_ixu4jee wrote
Reply to comment by RufusCranium in My damaged fingernail has a new nail growing underneath it by RustyU
Kalappianer t1_ixu4gzm wrote
Reply to today i had to cut a dürfenbachja at the garden because it was infested. it is really big by icommitedarson69
Please tell me you're trying to spell Dieffenbachia.
Kalappianer t1_ixca8e7 wrote
Reply to comment by Republiken in Small island in Sweden looks like a map of Scandinavia by Republiken
So you actually mean the Scandinavian peninsula that includes Finland and excludes Denmark?
Kalappianer t1_ixc9p11 wrote
Reply to comment by Republiken in Small island in Sweden looks like a map of Scandinavia by Republiken
But where's Denmark?
Kalappianer t1_iwtxm31 wrote
Reply to comment by laniceps in Clouds and sun from my view this afternoon by blackpinkwhite
Kalappianer t1_iuk2nf7 wrote
Reply to comment by SurrealRareAvis in Found a tiny blue snail outside my apartment today. The shell is about the size of a pencil eraser. by HeyLMags
Are you talking about Hexaplex trunculus snail?
Kalappianer t1_iujwqz5 wrote
Reply to comment by SkyPilotOne in This oatmeal settled into my bathtub like a fingerprint by spiritusFortuna
Oats are quite sooting for the skin.
Kalappianer t1_iuibzxa wrote
Reply to comment by newyorkrealestate19 in This bathroom stall has a cup holder by newyorkrealestate19
Kalappianer t1_itzpqg3 wrote
Reply to comment by HawkOfJudgment in This cucumber i found in the garden by HawkOfJudgment
That means it was poorly pollinated!
Kalappianer t1_itzoue5 wrote
Reply to This cucumber i found in the garden by HawkOfJudgment
Is it a round variety or just an oddball compared to the others?
Kalappianer t1_jcc5t5r wrote
Reply to TIL: Black Herons turn their wings into an umbrella to “canopy feed”. The umbrella provides shade, which draws fish to the surface where they can be seen and caught more easily. by Geek_Nan