
KdawgEdog t1_jadpqof wrote

Last week I started my new job driving a person that works for the state.

I said to her "I forgot to clean the backup camera" as I was backing out

her reply "this car has a backup camera!"

Me "yes it does, don't you see it?!"

Her "no I don't, I'm blind"

Me crickets

I drive a visually Impaired worker for the state and I keep forgetting 🤦‍♂️


KdawgEdog t1_j8dkfah wrote

I've brought my gfs dog in hanny before. It felt a little wrong(he is not a service dog) I held him. If someone told me I couldn't have him in there(you included) I would have gone back in the car probably.

Maybe you and employees should speak up next time if it really bothers you, I'd respect that.

What's my excuse for breaking the law? I guess lyme disease has me not giving much fucks about simple laws that really are not harmful. There is legal laws that can really get me going that I feel are bigger issues. I guess we all have our thing.


KdawgEdog t1_iw7x9va wrote

Reply to comment by ScarletFire21 in Salary in So. Maine by [deleted]

I moved to Houston in 2014 I was making more money there and it was cheaper to live, but personally for me that didn't matter it was not Maine and I love maine, I just moved back and I will figure it out. You may love it in NY or MA, but these are factors to think about. Money comes and money goes.